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How To Recognize And Identify The Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis
9/22 12:02:55

Rheumatoid Arthritis, an auto immune disease that causes the body's immune system to attack its own connective tissue is a chronic condition with no known cure. The protective cartilage that acts like a cushion between the joints is affected, causing pain, inflammation, and damage; injury to other organs such as lungs, heart and eyes may occur as well. Recognizing and identifying the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis is extremely important in order to provide proper diagnosis and treatment before this disease causes irreparable damage.

Depending upon the activity of the disease, or the individual patient, the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis can be mild or severe. Common symptoms may include:

- Joint pain and stiffness in joints usually on both sides of the body (symmetrical)
- Fatigue
- Fever or flu like symptoms
- Morning stiffness lasting more than 20 minutes
- Muscle aches
- Swelling, redness of joints
- Chest pain that comes with coughing or deep breathing
- Chest pain when laying down or bending forward
- Nodules under the skin around the joints where there is frequent pressure

Diagnosis should be done as quickly as possible by a specialist called a Rheumatologist. The doctor will review symptoms and medical history with the patient. A physical and x-rays will possible be performed in order to determine possible joint damage and severity of joint damage. Blood work is ordered to detect the abnormal antibodies called Rheumatoid factor (Rhf), which is commonly found in over 80% of rheumatoid patients. Arthrocentesis is a procedure which may be done in the doctor's office. Fluid is extracted from the affected joint by a needle and syringe. It relieves pressure and provides a sample of joint fluid to determine whether another cause of arthritis is creating the problem such as gout or infection.

Treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis is commonly done in two ways, "first line" medication and "second line" medication. "First line" or fast-acting drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin or cortisone, are used to reduce pain and inflammation. Slow acting class or "second line' drugs are used to bring the disease into remission and prevent joint damage. Treatments such as gold shots, methotrexate or plaquenil are known to be effective "second line" drugs. Surgery may be required to repair joints in some patients with severe joint deformity.

There are several other options a sufferer has to keep discomfort at a minimum. Regular physical activity aides in maintaining a healthy weight which relieves joints from unneeded pressure, it also prevents muscles from atrophying and becoming lax. Many foods such as night shade may cause painful flare ups, keeping watch on what is being consumed may aide in preventing pain as well. Topical rubs and heating pads are known to provide comfort and soothe painful joints and muscles. Glucosamine, Vitamin D and calcium are just some of the dietary supplements that can be taken to promote healthy joints and energy.

Consulting with a health professional is very important before beginning any new exercise or treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can provide a happy, healthy and active life can be had despite Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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