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Joint pain help without drugs…
9/26 16:11:28

My doctor sent me to a rheumatologist because of the bad arthritis in my hands. Years on a computer keyboard can be tough on joints! I had swelling, pain, stiffness and was wearing support braces at night. The rheumatologist prescribed medication for my symptoms, letting me know there is no cure and my arthritis wouldn’t go away – although symptoms may subside and then return.

Not a rosy picture, to say the least.

But I didn’t want to cause myself further complications, so I decided against the pills and started regular acupuncture treatments. They made a world of difference! I take the occasional Advil, if I really need to, but I make sure my diet has pain-fighting foods and fish oil – I’ll fill you in on these shortly. The point is, there are natural ways to manage arthritis pain, and good reason to avoid the drugs.

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