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Top recommended diet for arthritis
9/26 16:14:57

You can fight arthritis by following a proper diet regime. An appropriate diet is very essential for handling the disease. If you are having the typical junk good such as alcohol, colas and burgers, it will make your arthritis worse.

How can an appropriate diet help in fighting with arthritis?
It has been observed that if one takes proper food supplements, it lessens the need to take medications for inflammation and pain such as NSAIDs and analgesics. Patients, who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, can also experience an anti-inflammatory response with a gluten free diet. Therefore, an appropriate diet is required to handle arthritis effectively.

What should not be taken?
There are certain food items that should be disallowed to an arthritis patient. This includes chemical additives,red meat, sugar, butter, coffee, red peppers, salt, chocolate, margarine, potatoes, egg plant, tomatoes, dairy products, yeast, white flour & saturated fats. The reason is that these foods worsen the condition of an arthritis patient. They affect your hormonal balance, increase inflammation and cause allergies. All these factors affect your joints and bones.

Recommended diet:
Fibrous Vegetables:
These vegetables have a lot of beta carotene content. Examples are carrots, spinach, squash, cabbage, broccoli, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts etc.
Healthy Fruits:
Fruits rich in Vitamin C such as blackberries, mango, strawberries, cantaloupe and peach. Apples are also useful.
Nuts that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are recommended. This includes pumpkin seeds, almonds and walnuts.
Whole foods:
Unprocessed foods have a lot of fiber content. The free radicals are destroyed by the nutrients present in them. They make the bones, cells, issues, skin and muscles healthy. Waste elimination is also improved by them. You feel full for a long time after consuming them. This avoids overeating. Inflammation is controlled by whole foods. They are very suitable for the patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Alkaline foods:
Alkaline foods include sugar, meat, coffee, dairy products and gluten. These products increase acidity that causes inflammation. Other food items are green leafy vegetables, barley grass, alfalfa, wheat grass, aloe vera and parsley.
The arthritis patients must drink a lot of water. This lowers the acidity levels. The above mentioned food fight inflammation, strengthen your muscles, joints and bones and keep your weight down. Though the diet is planned following the researches and personal experiences but the patients who suffer from arthritis must eat healthy, home-made and wholesome foods.

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