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Does an Arthritis Diet Work?
9/23 15:20:43

Arthritis is a condition that damages joints in the body. Currently, there more than a hundred known types of arthritis, with the most common being osteoarthritis. It is normally caused by old age, infection or distress on the joint. Other common types of arthritis include rheumatoid as well as psoriatic arthritis. These types of arthritis cause the body to attack itself. Uric acid and infections are known to be the main causes of this condition, especially gout. However, it can be controlled by following a strict arthritis diet directed by a doctor or a dietician. What most people question is whether diets help with all forms of arthritis or perhaps just gout? For most people, each condition is different and an individual diet has to be developed for each form of the condition.

How Effective Is An Arthritis Diet?

Although diets are known to have an effect on arthritis, it sometimes does not work on all forms of the condition. Gout, for instance, is sometimes treatable by using an arthritis diet. This diet should mainly avoid lobsters, shell fish, red meats and alcohol. In addition, avoiding foods that one is allergic to can trigger some forms of arthritis. Research has shown that some patients with a certain food allergy get inflamed joints after eating the foods. To start an arthritis diet, one has to know the kind of arthritis they have in order to understand what foods to avoid and what they are allergic to. A common arthritis diet contains plant oils and fish because these are known to reduce the rates of inflammation. Inflammation causes the body to become tender and hence get tired quickly.

An effective arthritis diet is one that contains fruits as well as vegetables. Vitamins and carotenoids are known to have a slight impact in the severity of arthritis because it gives the joints more energy offers protection against many diseases.

All in all, no specific arthritis diet has been a major success to many people. Although it helps control the condition, arthritis diet does not really cause that much of an impact in terms of permanent cure to patients suffering from arthritis. The most effective arthritis diet is probably the one that works best for a specific person. If one has osteoarthritis, then perhaps an osteoarthritis diet might work best for them. Each patient will understand which diet is best for them simply by keeping away from foods that aggravate their condition and eating what they are comfortable with.

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