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Bone Fractures More Common During Winter Months
9/22 15:20:45

Fractures of the hip, wrist, and ankle are quite common during the fall and winter season. A majority of winter fractures are slip and fall injuries. This is not surprising when walkways and roads are so much more slippery due to ice and snow buildup. Lower Vitamin D levels due to decreased sunshine may also be a contributing factor to weakened bones. Even here in Orange County, the winter months are gloomier. If you do suffer a bone fracture, the right orthopedic physician should be able to get you fixed up again in no time.

Winter Sport Hazards

Another common cause of winter bone fractures is the typical sports enjoyed during cold weather. Skiing, snowboarding and ice skating all carry a risk of falling on hard, frozen surfaces. These sports also account for the higher numbers of hand, finger, wrist and elbow fractures that are reported in the winter, from putting the hands and arms out to break the fall. The similar increase in tailbone fractures indicates that these attempts aren’t always successful.

Proper Diagnosis

One main hazard of bone fractures is making sure they’re properly diagnosed. Without an obvious break, many of those who are injured may incorrectly diagnose themselves as having simply sprained their wrist or elbow. Without treatment, fractures can cause complications, ranging from incorrect healing that can cause long-term, residual pain to more severe issues.

If the force that caused the fracture is also enough to dislodge the bones even slightly, surgery may be the best option for an optimum recovery. The bones must be brought into alignment for proper healing, and to ensure minimal loss of function. This is especially crucial for complex joints, like the knee, ankle and wrist.

Full Recovery

If you suffer from an injury due to winter sports, or just a slip in the grocery store parking lot, don’t assume it’s only minor and skip a visit to the doctor. An inaccurately diagnosed and mistreated fracture could cause usage impairment down the line. Proper treatment from a fully trained orthopedic surgeon will ensure proper healing and a full recovery, and get you back to your busy life.

Proper Diagnosis

One main hazard of bone fractures is making sure they’re properly diagnosed. Without an obvious break, many of those who are injured may incorrectly diagnose themselves as having simply sprained their wrist or elbow. Without treatment, fractures can cause complications, ranging from incorrect healing that can cause long-term, residual pain to more severe issues.
If the force that caused the fracture is also enough to dislodge the bones even slightly, surgery may be the best option for an optimum recovery. The bones must be brought into alignment for proper healing, and to ensure minimal loss of function. This is especially crucial for complex joints, like the knee, ankle and wrist.

Full Recovery

If you suffer from an injury due to winter sports, or just a slip in the grocery store parking lot, don’t assume it’s only minor and skip a visit to the doctor. An inaccurately diagnosed and mistreated fracture could cause usage impairment down the line. Proper treatment from a fully trained orthopedic surgeon will ensure proper healing and a full recovery, and get you back to your busy life.

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