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Tips to Get Quality New York Health Insurance Quotes
9/23 8:58:42
Everyone, no matter how old they are, needs to make sure they look into getting New York health insurance quotes. Without a solid health insurance plan in place, you could potentially be liable for all your medical bills in the event of a medical emergency. This is not an uncommon situation and thousand of others can testify to this. In order to help you avoid any chance of this, here's 10 top tips to find a New York health insurance plan for you.

* Don't choose bare-bone health policies that may look good enough when you are not ill but may leave you with high unpaid medical bills when you get injured or sick. Make sure to get several quotes from several providers. Online searching is fast, easy and will get you the best rates since it's cheaper for the insurance company to obtain your business online.

* When you find a policy that looks good, make sure to check into the New York health insurance company as well. Verify that they are licensed in New York and check with the New York Insurance Division to learn about them as well.

* Make sure you are not looking at a health plan that only offers discounts on health services rather than true insurance. Most health regulators do not recommend these types of plans and they may not be worth your money.

* If you have questions and concerns, you can also contact the NYC Managed Care Consumer Assistance Program who are able to help you with finding Brooklyn health insurance as well as any other area in New York.

* When you have a health insurance policy, make sure that you know what rights you have. Should there be any issues while buying you policy, or if you are concerned about where you are getting your insurance from, know what rights and protection is available to you.

* If you have lost your job recently due to a trade policy such as jobs moving overseas there are options for you. There is a federal law known as Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act which may pay about 65% of the cost of your health insurance for up to a year and may even be longer.

* New York has a state sponsored health program that offers streamlined health insurance at lower rates for individuals. It's definitely an options to explore.

* If you simply can not find a New York health insurance plan that works for you, there is partial coverage through a program like Medicaid. As a federally funded program you must meet certain criteria in order to be accepted into the program.

* Early retirees who lost their health coverage can also take advantage of federal Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation, they will be able to pay for 65% of health insurance costs.

* After researching and comparing New York health insurance plans, check with an agent about the one you want to purchase. Ask if they would see if it's the right one for you.

By using these and other tips to search for New York health insurance quotes, you can quickly find the best policies at low rates.

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