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Get Used To Lots Of Body Fat If You Dont Strength Train
9/22 15:36:55

We tend to underestimate the significance of our muscular system. Our muscles are buried under our skin so we don't really get to see them so tend to overlook their importance to our health and wellbeing.

Yet it is our muscles that are responsible for all movement of our body. Although other factors are involved for coordinated movement to occur it is only our muscles that produce the contraction forces necessary to propel movement of our body. When we strengthen and keep our muscles in good health this makes our daily movements and activities more secure and efficient.

From the mid 20's we begin to lose our precious muscle tissue at the rate of one half pound per year. That is unless we work hard with muscle building and maintaining activity so it keeps functioning well and holding us upright.

Along with our muscle tissue our bone mass declines as well. Bones are made to bear weight and when they are contracted against a resistance stress is placed on them so they adapt, grow and become stronger. When they are not used with strengthening activity the opposite happens and they become weak, frail and susceptible to fracture.

When our muscle and bone mass declines it drags our health down as well in a multitude of ways. As these body parts form our very structure once that becomes weakened our entire body slowly succumbs to the downward health spiral that we once believed was the result of accumulating years. But now we know it is from disuse - plain and simple.

And the remedy is just as plain and simple. A proper exercise program made up of mostly strength training exercise is the ticket. Studies have shown over and over, strength training when properly performed at the right level of intensity (degree of effort used) benefits muscle and bone health more than any other form of exercise or activity.

Along with the muscle and bone strengthening you will receive a huge bonus from strength training in the form of the best fat burning activity you can do. If you want to lose some body fat in the fastest possible time then you need to strength train. Why you say? Muscle tissue comprises 30-50% of an average person's body weight and needs more energy to keep it alive than any other organ or body part.

If you have put on excess body part it is likely caused by the loss of muscle tissue that has reduced your fat burning mechanism (your metabolism) so you are burning less fuel (calories) every minute of the day and night. By restoring this muscle tissue you will boost your metabolism and start burning the fat off in double quick time.

If you fail to do this get used to becoming heavier as you will likely to continue to gain body fat unless you restrict your eating so it fits through the eye of a needle. Which is no way to ever get that strong, lean, healthy, fit body which is what you really want isn't it?

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