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How To Make Your Bones Stronger When Losing Weight For Better Health
9/23 8:58:39
Unlike muscle, skeletal system strengthening takes a very long time. And having a strong skeletal system is essential if you want to prevent one of the most common injuries among active and inactive people: bone breakages.

Unfortunately, because of sedentary living and a lack of exposure to sunlight, your bones may be much weaker than they should be. And this sets you up for serious injury in the near future.

So here are 5 tips for strengthening your skeletal system when burning fat:

1. Apply some resistance: Bone is constantly being broken down and rebuilt. And one way to make sure there is more rebuilding than breaking down is to resistance train. Now it really doesn't matter what you do, just make sure you do something.

2. Become super flexible: Doing so will help you fall with the agility of a leopard. And bear in mind that a lot of fractures are a direct result of inflexibility. So becoming more flexible is a great way to prevent bones from fracturing or breaking in the first place.

3. Train for balance: Again, increasing your balancing capabilities won't directly affect bone health, but it will prevent injury. You see, many fractures and breakages are a direct result of poor falling technique. If you incorporate some balance training into your routine, you can prevent a lot of this.

4. Increase calcium intake: But be careful with exotic formulations because many of them can contain lead. And do you really want extra lead in your body? Instead, stick to supplements from reputable manufacturers and increase leafy green vegetable intake. Yes, leafy greens also have calcium!

5. Don't overdo the protein: You see, too much protein is absolutely horrible for calcium balance in your body. When you take in too much protein, your body secretes out a lot of calcium. Thus, if you are going to be eating copious amounts of protein, make sure you supplement with calcium.

Having a strong skeletal system is key when you are trying to burn fat. It's also key to maintain your quality of life well into the later years. So take action on this advice today!

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