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Vitamins - Their Role In Your Health
9/23 8:58:38
Vitamins play a major role in keeping you healthy. Vitamins aid everything from your immune system, to your vision, skin and muscles. However, the proper doses should be taken to ensure that you maintain good health and do not overburden your body with a lot of vitamins.

Vitamin A promotes development and the repair of your body's tissues and ensures good bone health. It also has a part to play in skin health and is important for your eyes. Without adequate vitamin A in your diet, your scotopic vision will suffer.

Vitamins D helps in the absorption of calcium and is vital to build bone mass and prevent bone loss. It also ensures that you have the right levels of calcium and phosphorous in your blood stream.

Vitamin E protects your cells from free radical damage because it is an antioxidant. Studies show that it helps to protect against heart disease, cataracts and some forms of cancer. Children and teenagers who do not have adequate Vitamin E in their diets will not grow and develop properly.

Vitamin K, which is often referred to as phylloquinone is needed to ensure that your blood clots correctly and that you have healthy and strong bones.

Vitamin C assures healthy cell growth. An antioxidant protects against some cancers, cataracts and heart disease. It is crucial for lesion, wound healing and helps your body to resist infections.

Vitamin B is a family of vitamins that aid your body to convert what you eat into energy each of the B vitamins has more than one function. B1 (Thiamin) ensures that your nervous system and muscles function correctly including your heart. B2 (Riboflavin) assists with the formation of red blood cells and is essential for your nervous system. B2 is important for your vision and helps to protect you against cataracts. B6 ensures that your body synthesizes hormones correctly and that your red blood cells stay healthy. You need vitamin B9 (folic acid) for growth and development and the formation of red blood cells. B12 aids with blood formation and is needed to maintain a normal nervous system.

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