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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Upper Cervical Chiropractic > trauma
9/26 10:57:04

Two months ago I hit the left back of my head with an iron window while I was lifting my bacj to stand. A week later I started to feel headache and pain on my temple , teeth, nose and eye, just on the left side of my head. The pain is not sharp and it comes about three times a day . I had my eye , nose ,sinus and teeth checked and nothing was wrong with them. What is the problem. has it to do with my nervous system. I live in Syria , do you know a qualified doctor here .Please help!

Kawther with the information given I believe you are right on with your thinking. It sounds as though you damaged your upper neck. The symptoms you are describing are directly related to the nervous system more specifically the brainstem.

Unfortunately there are no Upper Cervical Doctors in Syria. The nearest Doctor would be in Rome, Italy. You can find the specifics at  

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