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Great Tips For Beating Annoying Arthritis Pain
9/22 12:04:26

When it comes to managing your arthritis and its symptoms, few things are as effective as a thorough understanding of the condition and how you can improve it. This handpicked selection of tips and tricks can provide the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about this painful condition.

Try different treatments with hot and cold packs to see what works for you. Different patients have different success with hot or cold compresses. Generally, chronic pain responds well to heat, while sudden onset pain responds best to cold packs. Everyone is different, however, and your initial treatment attempts may not bring immediate relief.

Be sure to move throughout the day. Remaining in the same position for a long time puts more stress on your joints than if you shift positions. Be sure to take regular breaks to stand and stretch and make sure that your work environment is set up to allow you to protect your joints.

If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, make sure you're getting enough omega-3 in your diet. If you're not, consider taking a supplement like fish oil to help get those levels up. Studies have shown that omega-3 has many anti-inflammatory benefits for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Be careful of what herbal remedies you take for arthritis and be sure you speak with your doctor before taking them. People think that because herbal remedies are natural, that they are healthy for you. This is not always the case. In fact, certain herbal remedies can make your arthritis worse.

Cigarettes can cause flare-ups of your arthritis, and also contribute to loss of flexibility. It can be hard to quit smoking, but you can be more motivated when you keep in mind that doing so may help your arthritis.

One supplement that many arthritis suffers recommend is fish oil. Medical research has shown that fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, can help to reduce the inflammation and pain in your joints. Fish oil supplements are readily available at most supermarkets and drugstores.

Glucosamine is a supplement that you may want to consider using if you suffer from arthritis. This supplement is made from the shells of lobsters, crabs, and shrimp and contains nutrients that help to ease pain in the joints, especially pain in people that suffer from arthritis in the knees.

Make sure to wear supportive footwear and braces if you are dealing with swollen or tender joints. These supportive items can help reduce your pain which will get you out and about and active again. Do not just accept the pain, work to reduce the symptoms as much as possible.

Find a health care professional that you trust and are comfortable speaking with. Arthritis sufferers need to make frequent visits to the doctor to treat painful issues and get regular check ups. If you are not comfortable with your physician, you may not be entirely truthful or trusting of them, so find one that you enjoy working with.

During periods of non-inflammation and with the permission of your doctor, exercise to build energy and slow the onset of pain. Swimming or exercising in water is great for your joints because the water offers resistance without high strain. Water can also keep you cool thereby acting as a natural soother for pain and discomfort should it set in.

Do not use your hands if you don't have to. Even if they are not currently bothering you, protect them as much as possible; if you can open a door by pushing it with you shoulder, do so. This will help lessen the amount of pain that you feel in your joints and allow you to lead a more regular life.

Get involved with something bigger than yourself. Having outside goals, such as helping a charity, can remind you that you are not the only one in your position. Doing this will help to distract you from pain and also stop you from feeling sorry for yourself. Many charities will allow you to help without having to leave your home, so anyone can do it.

Hopefully these tips have given you some things to consider when dealing with your condition. While we can't cover every possible tip here, you can use what you have learned to go out and discover more. Knowledge is the best weapon we have in the fight against arthritis and its effects.

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