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Some of the Best Foods to Eat to Relieve General Arthritis Symptoms
9/23 15:21:17

There are many types of arthritis but the condition has mainly the same general problems. Inflammation. There are over 100 types of arthritis and they all share different traits but inflammation is present in all. Knowing that inflammation is such a problem, there a number of foods and things to consider when trying to formulate your best diet for your arthritis symptoms.

Food, Food, Food

These are general guidelines for your diet, some types of arthritis actually need to avoid these foods, but in most cases these foods are helpful.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E:

Tuna, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines and salmon.

Fruits rich in Vitamin C:

Papaya, apples, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, and mangos.

Anti-Inflammatory Food

Turmeric, Garlic and Ginger. Apples are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

By eating more of the above foods and removing the following foods from your daily diet:

Meat (contains high concentrations of purine, which converts to uric acid, and is the main cause of gout)

Dairy for the same reasons as meat but for different compounds as well.




Tomatoes and eggplants they are in the same vegetable family and believed to have compounds which cause inflammation.


You will be on your way to perfecting a diet for your arthritis producing the best results for you. As a person looking for an alternative to their arthritis treatment, no matter the medical course you take there is no drawback to changing your diet. There may not be a diet for your arthritis that is the best for you. However the diet can only do good things for your body if nothing else.


There is science behind most of the knowledge we have today on diet and its impact on arthritis and other conditions. The best arthritis treatment for some is diet and medication, for others the best arthritis treatment for them is diet alone. The common factor most doctors and science will agree on is that the compounds in most western food such as red meat and our high protein salt rich diets is bad for us. In any case a change in diet, regardless of our condition arthritis or otherwise is a good idea.

In most cases when we change our diets to a better style of eating we end up being healthier and curing many ailments which have hounded us for years. Most of us live and eat unhealthy, and unfortunately we do not see it until we suffer from a disabling illness like arthritis.

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