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Tips for Finding Arthritis Knee Pain Relief
9/23 15:21:18

Arthritis is a painful condition, but when it affects key joints like the knee, every step can be a challenge. The good news is that there are many options in arthritis knee pain relief that can stop pain and inflammation and help you enjoy a higher quality of life. Many of the solutions to knee pain can be found at your local pharmacy. However, if homeopathic arthritis relief doesn't work for you, you may need to talk to your doctor about prescription-strength solutions. If knee pain is getting you down, read on for choices in arthritis knee pain relief.

Heat and Ice

Ice is often recommended for injuries because it can effectively reduce swelling and numb the area so the pain is less intense. It can also be an effective method of arthritis knee pain relief for the same reasons. You can also apply heat to the area to stimulate blood flow and relax tight, sore muscles surrounding the joint. You can either use a heating pad for this purpose or soak in a warm tub or shower for the same result. Some find that a warm bath before bed can provide enough arthritis knee pain relief to help them sleep through the night. For an additional benefit, add some Epsom salts that provide anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Over the Counter Medications

The occasional arthritis flare-up will probably respond well to over the counter pain medications. The best choice for arthritis knee pain relief is an NSAID, which comes under names like ibuprofen or naproxen. These drugs work well on arthritis pain because they effectively reduce inflammation while treating pain. It is not a good idea to take these medications over a long period of time however, since potentially serious side effects can result. For additional benefit, choose a medication with a sleep aid to ensure your pain doesn't keep you awake.

Topical Solutions

There are many creams and ointments on the market today that can provide effective arthritis knee pain relief. Some of these contain an aspirin ingredient, known as salicylate. Products with this ingredient can reduce inflammation as well. Capsaicin, an ingredient found in chili peppers, has also been proven effective in arthritis knee pain relief. Studies have not found many side effects with these products, making them a good, safe choice for most arthritis patients.

Knee pain is common with arthritis sufferers, but there are options available. If these over the counter methods of arthritis knee pain relief don't work well for you, talk to your doctor about other choice for your condition. Relief is on the way.

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