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Collar Bone pain
9/23 17:22:04

I have pain in my collar bones that I've had now for several months.  No injury has occured.  Dr. took X-rays and nothing showed.  Now has me on Lodrine 400 mg 2 xdaily.  What would cause this pain?


There are several things that can cause this type of pain.

I assume that since you use bones you mean on both sides of your body. If this is the case it sounds like a pinched nerve or herniated disk in your neck. I happen to have a herniated disk between c-6 and c-7 that is the last to vertebrae in the cervical or neck area of the spine. It started with pain in my right shoulder in the collar bone area. Now it effects both sides.

Other causes that would not show up on a xray of the shoulder are bursitis or Tendonitis. Usually either of these would normal effect one shoulder or the other.

If your prescription does not help or the problem returns again after you are finished you need to see your doctor again. Some times you have to be firm with your doctor and insist on a diagnosis or being refereed to a specialist if they do not know what the problem is. Many problems like this seem to go away on their own and some doctors will treat the conditions to see if that happens before ordering a CAT scan or MRI.


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