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Smart ways to prevent and reverse osteoporosis and tooth decay
9/22 11:26:02
(NaturalNews) Two of the best methods to help prevent and reverse osteoporosis and tooth decay are sea salt swishing and oil pulling along with taking an herb called Horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Horsetail contains seven percent silica per 35 mg of herb. The swishing and oil pulling helps to remove germs and bacteria from the teeth, while horsetail will begin to rebuild your teeth and bones from the inside.

Today, people are consuming massive amounts of hidden sugars in packaged and processed foods, sauces, condiments and soft drinks. These refined sugars lead to a near constant state of acidosis in the body which often causes serious health conditions including diabetes, osteoporosis, weight gain, tooth decay and more.

The Real cause of tooth decay

Tooth decay occurs not only from the outside, but even more from the inside as the body leeches calcium from bones and teeth in order to neutralize the excess acid in the bloodstream. The body uses calcium because calcium is a base which neutralizes an acid. It's this constant calcium leeching that eventually leads to osteoporosis and tooth decay. The terrible state of western nutrition is without a doubt also a major factor in the increasing incidence of these two degenerative conditions.

How to prevent and reverse bone loss

Techniques such as sea salt swishing and oil pulling are of great value in helping to remove germs and bacteria from under the gum line. Sea salt swishing is done by simply rinsing your mouth out for five to seven minutes at a time with a sea salt water solution. Oil pulling is done the same way except you are using a natural oil such as sesame oil. Do not swallow the oil or sea salt water as they're now full of germs. Spit and then rinse out your mouth. By regularly using one or both of these methods you can greatly slow down and even reverse tooth decay in many instances.

For the purpose of re-mineralization, you can take 500-1000 mg of Horsetail per day. Horsetail contains the highest concentrations of silica known. It's this silica that is the truly critical ingredient to rebuilding your bones and teeth.

Bones are made up of mainly calcium, phosphorous and magnesium but they also contain silica. Studies show that taking calcium supplements can actually increase bone loss because without sufficient silica, the body cannot make use of the extra calcium. This extra calcium may even be dangerous to your health.

In the 2003 book "Water & Salt," Dr. Barbara Hendel stated: "Silica is the most important trace mineral for human health!"

In 1939, the Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, Professor Adolf Butenant, proved that life cannot exist without silica. According to his research in 1972 he states:

"Silica is an essential nutrient and must be supplied continuously from food sources. As calcium in our body leaches, our bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot correct or stop this crippling disease because the body cannot assimilate or make use of the calcium without the presence of silica. For purposes of re-mineralization of damaged bones, it is recommended that a sufficient silica supplement be taken daily. Silica is responsible for the depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium." (

Silica is the real key mineral to rebuilding your bones and teeth. Silica increases mobility and reduces pain in osteoarthritis and sclerotic conditions. Horsetail containing silica does the job that calcium was promised to do, but failed to deliver. Be sure to consult your physician if you have any heart conditions before taking this herb.

Sources for this article include:
"The Complete Book of Chinese Health and Healing"by Daniel Reid.

About the author:
Rich is a network engineer and longtime practitioner of Chinese martial arts, medicine and chi-gung for over twenty six years. Having learned many Chinese health and healing arts from old world gung-fu and healing masters and practitioners, he has helped many people to overcome their health issues and achieve their fitness goals. Through diligent study and experience he has taken this knowledge even further over the years including reading scores of books on Chinese medicine, health, chi theory, science, physics, nutrition, supplements, meditation, martial arts, and many other subjects. Utilizing the web, health and fitness videos, newsletters, articles, teachings and lectures, Rich is passionate about spreading the true knowledge of health, healing, fitness and spiritual truths. I'm proud to be writing articles for You can read many articles, hear audio interviews, and learn more about the highly praised Chinese Health and Fitness video by visiting Chinese Health and

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