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Shoulder Braces For A Frozen Shoulder- What Are The Best Ones?
9/22 14:26:34

Frozen shoulder causes limited movement in your shoulder as well as pain and in later stages, stiffness too. It also known by the term adhesive capsulitis. The pain is usually in the upper arm or outer shoulder. It may be very difficult to move your shoulder and can be quite a pain. Even another person may have difficulty moving your arm.

There are usually three phases you may go through if you have frozen shoulder:

The freezing and painful phase. This can last 2-9 months. Pain is the first symptom. Then gradually stiffness and limited movement get worse. At night and when you lie on the affected area, pain can be worse. The frozen and stiff phase. This can last 4-12 months. The pain gets better, stiffness and limited movement gets worse. All shoulder movement is affected but the worst affected is rotation of the arm outwards.

The thawing and recovery phase. This lasts 5-24 months. Stiffness can decrease and the movement slowly gets back to normal or close to normal.

This condition is caused by inflammation in the joint capsule of the shoulder. Unfortunately, there is usually not a specific cause for this condition. However, the inflammation could be caused by things like: surgery, diabetes, or injury. If you have a cervical desease of the neck, you may also get this condition.

How Can I Decrease Frozen Shoulder Pain? If you are getting pain, you may want to think about using a shoulder brace. Shoulder braces for a frozen shoulder can help lessen the pain you feel. Shoulder braces for a frozen shoulder help lessen your pain by keeping your shoulder stable. They also work to control your range of motion. Shoulder braces for a frozen shoulder help to protect you from further injury. There are some shoulder braces for a frozen shoulder which can provide extra support to the soft tissue of the shoulder. Other braces provide a massage effect for the soft tissues.

Three of the best braces you can choose from include: the McDavid Universal Shoulder Support, the Bauerfeind OmoTrain Brace, and the DonJoy Stabilizer Brace. Each of these braces provide a different level of support. These braces are rated level II, level III, and level IV respectively. The McDavid ($55.24) offers more support than a basic brace. The Bauderfeind ($139.95) offers advanced support. The DonJoy ($232.95) offers maximum support. Of these three braces, the McDavid brace has the best customer reviews. It is also the most affordable of the these three braces.

These prices have been referenced from

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