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Aquatic Conditioning Programme For The Shoulders
9/22 14:26:27

There are many sports that put strain on the shoulder muscle. This is particularly true for 'overhead athletes' who participate in sports such as tennis, javelin, cricket and baseball. Men and women who participate in these sports regularly need to keep the shoulder muscles in mint condition to avoid strain and injury. Even day-to-day activities such as DIY and gardening can produce chronic shoulder pain if the shoulders are not taken care of.

Baseball pitchers put their shoulders through some serious moves every time they throw the ball, so it makes sense that they've come up with a programme that keeps their joints and muscles in the shoulder region mobile and powerful a pitcher with a sore or weak shoulder is of no use to anyone!

This programme, a swimming-based workout especially for pitchers, can be followed by anyone who takes part in exercise, sport or other activities that target the shoulder region.

Swimming is one of the best methods to build up shoulder strength, stability and endurance. The water environment has the added benefit of creating very little stress on the body. However, the resistance available means you can still enjoy a challenging and effective workout. No changes in weights or bands are required simply increase the force you apply on the water.

Increasing the speed, keeping submerged, opening your fingers and increasing the number of repetitions will all add extra dimensions of challenge to the workout. This means you can progress and let the programme grow with you as your fitness level increases.

The Programme

Take 8 minutes and divide them as follows:

2 minutes free-style
2 minutes high-knee runs
2 minutes breast stroke
2 minutes flutter kicks on the wall

Keep adding on the minutes as your stamina increases.

As simple as that? You bet!

You can also incorporate your regular gym-based shoulder exercises into the workout by doing them in the pool, without weights, just using the water pressure available. Go through each exercise for about 15 to 20 seconds, and perform them at controlled speeds.

Exercising in a heated pool is advised in colder months.
So whether you're aiming for the Big League or just enjoy some strenuous gardening on the weekend, you can only benefit from this great shoulder-conditioning programme!

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