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Manalapan Neck Pain Relief Done Safely With Chiropractic
9/23 9:29:24
What are some of the reasons New Jersey residents & visitors make appointments with Manalapan Chiropractic? They may be seeking help with any of the following issues; carpel tunnel syndrome, asthma, sciatica, pregnancy, PMS, ADHD, pinched nerves, auto accidents, neck pain, whiplash, headaches, stress, ear infections, colic, slipped discs, bed wetting, back pain, allergies, scoliosis and more. The best reason to seek chiropractic care is simply to help you stay healthy, and to help prevent ailments from arising.

People generally think of chiropractors as professionals who deal with neck and back related matters, because they do spinal adjustments. And, it is true, that is part of what chiropractors do, but there is so much more.

The work chiropractors do can affect your entire body and your general well being. The spinal column houses your spinal cord, and along with your brain, controls your entire body. When your "backbone" becomes misaligned, it can interfere with the signals the brain is sending to various organs and systems in your body, which can result in a lot more, than pain.

What are vertebral subluxations? We hear a lot about cancer, aids, heart disease and diabetes, but nobody ever mentions vertebral subluxations as a similar threat to our health and well being. They are often the true cause of illness & disease. Taking prescription drugs for illness brought on by subluxation, can manipulate, mask or suppress symptoms, but the true cause can never be addressed by pills, which unfortunately come with side effects.

Your spine has 24 vertebrae, with a major root nerve that branches out between each one. Vertebral subluxations put pressure on the root nerve and wreak havoc on the communication the brain is trying to make with every cell in your body. These subluxations are caused in 1 of 3 ways; physically (slips & falls, bad mattress, etc.), emotionally, (fear, stress and anger), and chemically, (drugs, including alcohol, pollution, etc.).

Manalapan Chiropractic can administer adjustments, pinpointing your subluxations, and ultimately allow your messages to arrive from the brain to the cells and organs in your body. Now you have a better idea of how chiropractic adjustments can prevent ailments and help create well being.

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