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Alleviate Neck Pain
9/27 11:04:03
There are a lot of ways to alleviate neck pain, but first maybe we should look at some of the causes of neck pain to better understand it and possibly prevent it from coming back in the future.

You Are a Pain in the Neck

Neck pain can be the result of injury 鈥?like a car accident or a sports injury during a high impact game like football or gymnastics, a result of aging and things that used to provide more support in the neck and spine simply wearing down 鈥?like when a herniated disc is involved, or it can simply be the result of too much stress and tension.

In fact, stress and tension build up is one of the most common causes of neck pain.

Get Rid of It

Because stress is one of the main causes of neck pain, it can be easy to eliminate. However, it can also be difficult, because its much easier said than done to eliminate stress in your life.

Stress is never going to go away. There will always be relationship strains, financial problems, a death in the family, troublesome teenagers, deadlines at work, and bosses that dont understand or respect you. Its how you deal with it that can cause things like neck pain, high blood pressure and ulcers. So, what can you do? Relax. Take steps to remove the focus from whatever stressful situation is dominating your life right now and place it on yourself. If necessary, see a counselor or therapist to learn helpful techniques to better deal with your stress.

Getting a massage can also help two fold. It will relieve your stress and leave you with a long lasting sense of relaxation, as well as release tension in the muscles in your neck and shoulders 鈥?providing you with virtually instant pain relief.

Exercise can also help in a big way at relieving your neck pain as well as preventing it from coming back. Its a proven fact that people who exercise regularly are less vulnerable to stress-related illnesses like neck pain, high blood pressure and ulcers. So, get out there and start exercising. Even something as simple as a daily walk can help get your blood pumping and keep neck pain away.

Another thing that can be helpful is stretching exercises. Things like rolling your head slowly in a circle, rolling your shoulders and tilting your head to one side until you feel a stretch can be very beneficial to releasing tension you may be harboring in your neck and shoulders that would lead to pain. For the perfect one-two punch against neck pain, try these stretches under a hot shower.

Although it may be tempting to take an over the counter pain reliever to help alleviate neck pain, try not to. When taken over long periods, over the counter medications can have some pretty adverse side effects, including ulcers and liver damage. Its really best to find the root of your pain and deal with that to help relieve your symptoms on a more permanent basis.

The Healthy Back Institute is filled with resources to help alleviate neck pain. For more information on getting rid of your neck pain, visit today.

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