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Joint Pain Is A Symptom And Not A Disease
9/23 9:16:43
Joint pain is a common problem. In fact, it is prevailing in every area of this developing world. But it is not a disease, but basically a symptom of a disease. It is more prevalent in the aged people. Joint ache is due to the inflammation or the bursa, and is hence also called bursitis. Bursa is the fluid filled space which is meant to provide couching to the structure of the joint.

There are various causes of joint pain. The obvious one is any kind of injury to joint. Another reason may be due to the excessive straining of that joint. It can be the result of inflammation of the joint, or due to inflammation of the tendons.

It is possible to treat such kind of the pain of the joints at home too. Using warm water to take bath is the best remedy to avoid joint pains. Another highly popular home remedy is to do oil massage on the affected part, which has pain. Having tea which is made out of papaya seeds is also very effective in preventing any kind of joint ache. Another option is to have garlic which has been roasted with butter. Having chapattis which are made of roasted gram flour with clarified butter can give great relief from aches.

Banana has the property to help in restoring the lost nutrients in the joints. Thus it is recommended by medical practitioners in joint ache cases. A glass of warm milk with one table spoon of turmeric helps to relieve from all types of body aches.

In order to strengthen the ligaments, carrot juice can be consumed. Apple cider vinegar is also effective in relieving from joint aches. You may massage the affected parts with warm vinegar at bed time. It is important to consume lots of fluids as that also helps to flush out the toxins from the body, and is an effective remedy for avoiding joint aches. In order to get immediate relief from joint pain, you can perform hot and cold fomentation of the affected part.

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