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Be Careful of Natural Cures for Joint Pain
9/23 9:15:53
Unfortunately, in the realm of healthcare, the internet has provided as many problems as benefits. While the 'net is a good place to get information, impartial product reviews and access to things you may need but not be able to get where you live, it is also a place where anyone can claim to be selling the next miracle drug for any number of problems including joint pain. The main culprit for scams in this field is so called 'natural' herbal remedies which sometimes work, are most usually placebos and are sometimes dangerous.

It's hard to categorically call any herbal remedy a scam because some people honestly believe that herbal remedies they peddle work while others are jumping on board the trend without actually checking anything out. However, there is only a small list of herbs that are proven to work on joint pain and include the following common ones:

-Devil's Claw -Willow (the original Tylenol) -Ginseng -Angelica -Boswellia -Epsom Salt

And a few others. However, keep in mind that these herbs are not foolproof by any stretch: they can act as an anti-inflammatory, pain relief and/or muscle relaxant, but they may not work for you as well as drugs or surgery. However, many people prefer them because they may not cause the same side effects as drugs (Boswellia for example is gentler on the stomach) and because of the perception nowadays that natural is good.

Beware of any herbs you don't recognize very well or ones from overseas or the Middle East. While they may or may not work, other countries may not have the same stringent testing methods and supervision as western countries and that is ignoring the fact that the digestive systems of people vary, so what may work for someone in China may not work for someone in America because stomachs are used to different foods. Make sure to research any natural product you are thinking about using very carefully and look for unbiased reviews preferably by real users. You should also make sure to talk to your doctor before starting any alternative medicine regime and ask about anything you should be careful of using.

Herbal and natural products to help manage joint pain are out there and they can be highly beneficial. Whether you are sensitive to traditional drugs or you don't like the idea of being chained to a pill, you can find relief through the right use of the correct herbs. However, don't let yourself be taken in by glossy advertisements and so-called doctors. Do your research carefully, talk to your doctor and always make sure to keep your health in mind. Do that, and it will be a lot harder for the scammers to take you in and ruin your health instead of helping you to fix joint pain.

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