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Finger Joint Pain And Its Causes
9/23 9:15:37
It is only when one suffers severe finger joint pain does one realize how debilitating it can be. Many sufferers complain of burning in the hand and extremities, or sharp jolting pains accompanied by swelling. At times the hands maybe appear hot to the touch and the patient reports feeling generally unwell. A jamming or jarring of the fingers can be felt which is also very disconcerting to the sufferer.

Because there are so many causes a correct diagnosis is key, this in turn leads to proper treatment and on going care. However often no direct cause can be attributed to severe joint and finger pain, because there can be many causes, including onset of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or bone degeneration. This can lead to many individuals resorting to home care and trying various methods of reducing pain or swelling. This on its own can be frustrating and ongoing for the patient.

Every body uses their hands daily, however many sufferers work in jobs where their hands are in repetitive motions like typing or similar types of activity. This causes the joint to never rest, and further increase pain and swelling. Coupled with this is the stress of not being able to be productive during times of extreme discomfort and pain which could place the persons job at risk. Most people need their jobs so this can become a despairing cycle of pain and stress.

Depending on the diagnosis if correct, many therapies can be suggested. A chiropractor for one, however it is recommended that frequent visits are maintained in order to assist the patient. Or perhaps surgery in the case of tightening of the tendons in order to release them. Surgery can be expensive and also costs time in healing and reusing the adjusted fingers. Plus a few visits to an occupational therapist.

Rheumatoid arthritis for example can not only lead to swelling of the finger joints but also inflammation and a general feeling of being unwell. Many patients try hand exercises with some success but dedication to doing this daily seems key. This would involve stretching of the fingers and tendons in a gentle way to try and loosen the pressure. Or continually using inflammatory medications to alleviate inflammation and swelling.

Of course over use of anti inflammatory medications is not advised over long periods of time as this can cause further problems in the body. As well as some suffers having allergies or low tolerance to certain compounds over time.

Vitamin therapy has been suggested in alleviating joint pain with some success. However not all participants enjoy good results. A bit of research is suggested if the patient decides to go this route with a clear monitoring of results kept in a journal. In this way the sufferer can ascertain if the therapy has been beneficial or not.

Because scientists remain uncommitted as to what actually causes joint pain most of the time they have attributed the cause mostly to genetic factors, age, sex and hormonal and environmental factors. A lot of the recovery and alleviation of join finger pain is left in the lap of the patient and home care. So the first step to care is finding out as much as one can about joint finger pain, its causes and getting the correct diagnosis.

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