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Why use eggshell membrane for joint pain?
9/23 9:15:21
Eggshell membrane is a dietary supplement. It is made from the fine, clear film that lines the outer shell of an egg. The membrane has become popular during the past few years. Many people diagnosed with osteoarthritis (weakening of bones) or stiffened joints use this supplement to alleviate pain and improve the health of their bones.


The clear and slim layer lining the interior of an eggshell is the membrane. It is visible when an egg is boiled. The membrane consists of many healthful supplements, such as proteins. Studies have shown that the membrane is rich in many other substances, such as glycosaminoglycans, sulfated glycoproteins, and chondroitin. Sialic acid, desmonsine, and hyaluronic acid are other inseparable parts of eggshell membrane and supplements.

Eggshell membrane for joint pain

Despite the recent popularity of the eggshell membrane supplements, many people remain woefully unaware of the magical properties of this substance in the treatment of joint pain.

It is said that the membrane is more efficient than glucosamine in the alleviation of joint pain. Natural membrane is very rich in substances like glycosaminoglycans. These substances have proven benefits.

They are useful in the maintenance of synovial fluid and cartilage; both essential for the treatment of injuries and reduction of muscle pain.

There are many advantages of using eggshell membrane for joint pain. Here are the top 10 of them:

. Many medicine practitioners prefer the surgery-free pain relief therapy. A use of eggshell membrane supplements allows them to relieve pains without an extensive and risk-prone surgery.
. Eggshell membrane is rich in substances such as glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. These substances have known to ward off join pains, and keep the ill symptoms at bay.
. Osteoarthritis is a very painful condition. Its treatment is complex and long. Eggshell membrane supplements can make treatment for the illness less complicated, less painful, and faster.
. Eggshell membrane supplements are safe. Unlike many chemical-based medicines, they do not contain any side effects for patients. In other words, patients run a zero risk of allergic reactions. It has been tested and declared safe for shellfish.
. Anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs are useful in the treatment of joint pain. But they are riskier than eggshell membrane supplements.

Besides joint pain, the membrane supplements are useful in a range of other health conditions. These conditions are - weak bones in children, and a lack of calcium in infants and grownups. A more detailed overview of the health benefits of eggshell membrane is found on the Nutrition Formulators' website.


Eggshell membrane is an excellent method to treat joint pain. It is effective and it is efficient. A big advantage of using these supplements is that it is a natural product. Therefore it is safer to use membrane for extended periods. The use of membrane supplements leads to lesser pain, higher levels of glucosamine, and improved health of joint cartilage. All these effects affect the bones and joints' condition positively. It can be used for long and short term treatment; without any fear of negative side effects.

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