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Lower Back Pain - A Review
9/22 18:07:26
Lower back pain as a part of backache is the third most common reason for visiting a doctor after cold and flu. The reason for back pain is the irritation of the nerve root, near the spine. When this nerve gets pinched and inflamed as it emerges through the openings between the vertebras, it results in this ailment.

The cause for eighty percent of all back pain cases remains shrouded in mystery. Yet researches have proven that strenuous activities, sudden movements, injury, or lifting heavy objects are the leading causes of back pain and primarily low back pain.

A very common cause of lower back pain is that of muscle injury. This is usually brought about by stress which is normally the result of bending incorrectly or lifting while carrying excess weight. This type of back sprain is characterized by pain and stiffness that is evident within a few hours of the injury. It generally subsides within a day or two although more severe strains may last longer.

Some recurrent backaches are caused by inflammatory conditions such as osteoporosis. This condition is caused by the degeneration of the joint in the backbone through wear and tear and is often more painful in the morning.

However, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals have observed that lower back pain is often a result of strained back muscles and ligaments due to any of the following activities:

* Improper posture

* Heavy lifting

* Sudden awkward movement

Three categories of lower back pain

Your lower back pain will fall into one of three categories, which your doctor bases on your description of the pain.

1. Axial lower back pain - mechanical or simple back pain

2. Radicular lower back pain - sciatica

3. Lower back pain with referred pain

Back pain occurs at old age

Back pain is more common in younger people between 30-50 then in old ones. This is generally true for discogenic pain such as pain that occurs due to slipped disc or degenerative disc disease.

When the muscles that hold the lower back vertebra, the set of bones that constitute the spinal column, get strained lower back pain is the end result. These bones protect, support, and secure these muscles.

This muscle injury is aggravated by stress that a person with lower back pain does not give much attention to. The common symptoms of lower back pain include a discomfort felt on the lower area of the back, a bad posture, swelling and or bruising of the lower back.

Kidney infections and kidney stones can cause severe lower back pain. If you are experiencing blood in your urine or the pain in your back is mostly limited to one side this is a possible cause. Make a visit to your doctor as soon as possible.

Shingles is a form of the chicken pox bacteria, usually limited to adults. It can also cause lower back pain in addition to fever and a rash.

Prevent Back Pain

In order to help prevent injury and pain in your lower back, make sure that you exercise, maintain a healthy weight and possibly supplement with Vitamin B12 and Calcium. This will give you a better prospect of preventing lower back pain in the future.

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