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Back Pain No More With Chiropractic Help
9/22 18:04:56
If you're human, you've most likely experienced back pain of some sort. Back pain is so common and can creep up on you at the most inopportune times. Statistics say that 90% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. We have to use our backs for just about everything we do so any movement at all when you have pain in your back it can send you flying through the roof.

What are some of the causes of back pain?

Most of the causes of back pain come from what is called a subluxation. A subluxation refers to individual vertebrae that are not functioning properly. They are usually no longer aligned in a balanced manner which will result in a loss of freedom and movement.

What causes subluxations?

Subluxations are usually caused by an injury of some sort or activities that require the constant use of certain muscles. When a subluxation occurs, the nerve endings will send messages to the brain indicating that there is a malfunction in one or several vertebrae. After this message is relayed to the brain, the brain will then tell those muscles to tighten up in response to the injury.

The brain is telling the body to do this in order to protect that area. The result, however, is a loss of function and loss of motion.

What can I do about my back pain?

There is a solution! Chiropractic is a safe and drug-free alternative to traditional care of back pain. Chiropractic has been proven to be a safe method of treating chronic back pain. You no longer have to have surgery in order to treat your back pain. Chiropractors are quickly becoming the 1st choice when treatment of back pain is sought. Millions of Americans are now seeking chiropractic treatment instead of going to their medical doctor for treatment of their back pain.

What will a chiropractor do?

Chiropractors will see you and take a thorough personal health history just like any medical doctor. A chiropractic doctor will want to know what diseases run in the family and your personal habits. They will also take ex-rays to determine where the dysfunction occurs in the body. Since chiropractic is determined to fix the solution at its source, there may also be nutritional and health counseling to see if there are areas in that regard that need to addressed in order to reach optimized health.

Chiropractic is a safe and time-tested method of treating chronic back pain. Millions of people worldwide are seeking this method for treating their back issues. It is a non-invasive and effective way of helping your body to heal itself. You will no longer have to rely on drugs to treat the symptoms of your pain. You will be able to find the problem at its source and with the help of your chiropractor be well on the road to recovery!

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