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Home Remedies For Back Pain Not Associated With Any Side Effects
9/22 18:03:58
Most of the adults suffer from back pain at different stages of their life. Some people suffer from acute backache and some from chronic backache. Usually any person suffers from the acute backache due to injury of the muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons which is caused by the excessive use of the back. In chronic pain there is a reoccurring backache. Sometimes due to the problems in some organs like kidney infection, prostrate problems, female pelvic disorder, bladder and also constipation, a person may suffer from this backache. Even in the period of pregnancy the backache is very common. Some other causes of backache are poor postural habits, strains, micrutrauma, muscle tension and nutritional deficiencies.

Instead of using any drugs to treat this problem, you can simply use home remedies for back pain. There are several home remedies for back pain and even pregnant women can easily use the home remedies for back pain as these are not associated with any side effects. Some of the important home remedies for back pain are:

1. You can massage the affected area with some herbal oil by increasing pressure very slowly. It is very helpful and relaxes the muscles of that area.

2. If you are lifting something then always remember to bend your knee first. It will help you in avoiding any type of damage caused to spine and back muscles.

3. You can use the juice of a lemon mixed with common salt. Patient should take this remedy twice daily. This is an effective remedy for back pain.

4. Garlic is also very effective in treating the problem of backache. If you take two or three cloves of garlic every morning then it will show effective result. You can also rub the oil which is prepared by garlic on the back to get relief.

5. Vitamin C plays a great role in reducing the pain of the severe backache. In order to get rid from this pain you should take at least 2,000 mg of this vitamin daily. Within two days, you will observe a considerable improvement.

6. You should avoid smoking or taking tobacco in any form as these things affects our body in adverse way. Even try to avoid alcohol also as this contributes in increasing the pain of your back.

7. Your sitting and sleeping postures should be perfect in order to avoid backache.

All these home remedies for back pain are effective. You should try any of these, if you suffer from backache.

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