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The Easy Way to Prevent Back Pain at the Office
9/22 18:03:57
Considering the fact that back pain is almost always caused by how we treat our backs at work, you may want to know how you can effectively prevent back pain at the office. Here is an easy three-step guide that can help you say goodbye to back pain for good:

Step 1: Maintain proper posture. Most cases of back pain are caused by having poor posture, which puts your spine and back muscles under a great deal of stress. For this reason, you need to maintain the proper posture no matter where you are and what you are doing. But, this advice is especially important for when you are at work because the workplace is where most people spend a majority of their waking hours. Hunching over a desk for extended periods can weaken your back muscles and shorten the muscles on the front of your torso. This type of muscle imbalance can lead to rounded shoulders, which then leads to chronic neck and back pain. To remedy this condition or prevent it from happening, be sure to keep your back properly aligned at all times. You may want to use lumbar support devices such as a back support cushion for this purpose.

Step 2: Exercise all of your major muscle groups regularly. Even if you are able to keep the proper posture at all times, you still won't be able to avoid back pain if your muscles are weak. Furthermore, muscles that are not used regularly may become atrophied due to inactivity. Weak and atrophied muscles can also cause back pain, so make sure that all of your muscle groups are properly stimulated by regular exercise, especially if you have to spend your working hours constantly seated behind a desk. Adequate exercise also helps ensure that your joints are always well-lubricated and that your muscles are able to move with a full range of motion.

Step 3: Take a break. Remember that your body is not designed to stay in a single position for too long. Therefore, you have to take regular breaks from whatever you are doing. If your work entails sitting at a desk all day, then you need to stand and stretch at least once every hour. You may want to set a timer to remind you of your stretching breaks.

So, there you have it: The three simple steps to prevent back pain at work.

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