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Why Do You Say Physiotherapy Does Not Help to Treat Neck and Back Pain in Singapore?
9/22 18:03:43
Have you ever seen a physiotherapist in Singapore for neck or back pain and find that physiotherapy does not work? Why?

Before we actually ponder on why your physiotherapy sessions don't seem to work for you, let us understand what physiotherapy is and what it does for you. Physiotherapy is a professional mainstream of medical and health that uses assessment and physical examination for clinical evaluation, clinical diagnosis and treatment to correct abnormal body structures and function.

The most common condition for which most people visit a physiotherapist is due to musculoskeletal joint and muscle pain, such as a back pain, a neck pain, a slipped disc.

There are few possible reasons why physiotherapy in Singapore does not cure your neck or back pain:

1) People are not truthful about their conditions or missed out important information to tell their physiotherapist. Eg what activities cause their pain, any previous treatment done, what helps to relieve their pain? All these questions may be asked during the assessment and plays an important part for physiotherapist to analyze the root causes of the neck or back pain, and plan for a fast effective treatment to stop your pain.

2) Most people would visit a physiotherapist only when the pain is causing them a lot of severe pain or disturbing to their daily activities, work or sports. When signs and symptoms are too severe, it is too late. If you start to feel pain, you must see a physiotherapist immediately. Do not delay as it will delay your time to an early recovery.

3) Many people think they can treat themselves with temporarily pain relief methods such as relief muscle aches cream, untrained massage, inappropriate unsupervised exercises program learnt over the internet or friends, chinese medicine or unproven alternative therapy. These may be cheaper treatments but over long term proven costly, ineffective to solve the main causes of problems.

4) People have too high expectation from physiotherapy. Most people walk into the clinic thinking that they are going to walk out without pain immediate or in a few sessions. People give up easily and thinking that physiotherapy did not work. For weak back muscles, it may take as much as 6 weeks of physiotherapy sessions to strengthen up as well as patient's compliance to follow up.

5) People do not follow on physiotherapist advice and recommendation. Eg what they should not do for back pain is carrying heavy things, sitting prolonged. Some patients also do not follow home exercises program given.

If your reasons why physiotherapy did not treat my neck and back pain are stated above, do not blame on your physiotherapist, but yourself is the reason!

However, some unfortunate severe cases, operation for neck and back is required to solve the problems. Post operation physiotherapy is also recommended to strengthen your back muscles to prevent relapse of problem. Or sometimes, these pains may be indicating for a mentally disorder or more serious pathology eg cancer.

If you have been following physiotherapy consistently, you should have felt better and less pain restricting your neck and back. Physiotherapy treated in the correct way in Singapore will always achieve its aims.

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