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Stop Suffering with Back Pain Santa Monica!
9/22 18:01:52
Do you wake up in the mornings stiff and achy? Does your pain last all day? Do you have frequent headaches, dizzy spells, and numbness or tingling in your legs? Most likely all of your problems stem from a problem with the alignment of your spine. Pain medication may dull the aches but it is not going to fix the problem. Instead of spending your life in pain why not get help with your back pain Santa Monica?

Why Do You Have Back Pain?

From the day that a baby is born their spine takes a beating. Simple activities such as running, jumping, and just playing can cause problems for them as they grow into adulthood. As adults, people do a lot of things they should not including siting up wrong, lifting wrong, and more. Your spine is responsible for most of the things you do. If you combine that with the fact that your spine is the only thing that your head, which is the equivalent of an eight pound bowling ball, rests upon and you can easily see why there are times when things go out of alignment in your spine. The way it works is fairly simple, but the pain can be extreme.

Your spine is made up of disks, nerves, ligaments, spinal cord, vertebrae, and muscles that are divided into several areas including:

*The Cervical Area (neck) *The Thoracic Area (from shoulders to mid-back) *The Lumbar Area (lower back) *The Sacrum (tail bone) *The Coccyx (the very tip of the spine)

Within these areas there are a total there are 33 individual vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other in a delicate balance that is held together with muscles and ligaments. If any single disk or vertebrae slips out of place because you moved wrong, lifted something you should of left lying, or simply because you live your active life; pain will follow until it is back into its proper place. Sometimes, your back pain can ease up, the muscles and nerves may adjust to the improper alignment and pain made fade, however, this does not mean that it will not return and perhaps be a little worse. Chiropractic care is the only way to ensure that everything is aligned the right way and that you can live your life free of pain.

What is chiropractic care?

A chiropractor is the type of doctor you will need to visit if you suffer from pain that could be related to a problem with your spine. They know how to gently manipulate the spine so that all of the vertebrae and disks end up back in their proper place. This is a proven method to relieve many problems that may come from improper alignment which include; dizziness, migraines, pain, weakness and tingling in extremities, as well as other symptoms. If there was a better way to make your problems go away would you take it? With a chiropractor you can live a life without back pain Santa Monica.

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