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Maintain A Healthy And Strong Back With Proper Prevention
9/22 14:08:43

Pain in the lower back is a common concern that affects up to 80% of Americans at some point in their lifetime. While back pain is a common complain, you may be able to avoid back pain by improving your physical condition and learning proper body mechanics. Back pain is no laughing matter; in fact, nearly everyone in his or her lifetime will suffer from some sort of back pain.

For many people, back pain may last only a few weeks, but for others the pain becomes chronic and debilitating. Chiropractors will primarily perform adjustments to the spine and other parts of the body to correct alignment problems and support the body's natural ability to heal itself. Not only will your chiropractor specifically treat the pain, but the treatment will also enhance general function and improve quality of life.

Back Pain Basics

We have all complained of an aching back at some point in our lives, but as painful as it can be, the exact source of back pain is often difficult to identify or pinpoint. There is an array of possible pain producers including muscles, soft connective tissue, ligaments, joint capsules, cartilage, discs and nerves. Through everyday activities-exercise, lifting, playing a sport, etc.-these areas may be pulled, strained, stretched or sprained. Sometimes, small tears that occur in the outer layer of a spinal disc can result in severe back pain.

Many people even experience pain from an abnormal disc that may be degenerating, bulging or even herniated. The duration and severity of a single episode of back pain cannot be predicted based on the onset, location of pain, or even the initial severity. Back pain can be grouped into three general categories of pain: acute, chronic and recurrent acute.

Acute back pain typically subsides over a month or less as the back's irritated tissue heals with time. Chronic pain, on the other hand, lasts for months at a time and is often less correlated to tissue damage or injury and may be the result of a more long-term spine condition or other related factors such as muscle weakness, body weight, and certain life stressors. Recurrent acute pain is intermittent, meaning it comes and goes from time to time and does not remain constant.

Preventing Back Pain

You may be able to prevent back pain by improving your physical condition, and by practicing proper body mechanics. In order to maintain a healthy and strong back:
*Exercise often - regular physical activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension.
*Build muscle strength and flexibility - strengthening your muscles and improving flexibility will help prevent back pain.
*Quit smoking - smoking restricts the flow of nutrient-containing blood to spinal discs.
*Maintain a healthy weight - extra pounds can make back pain worse by shifting your center of gravity and putting strain on your lower back.
*Watch your posture - standing for a prolonged period can cause back pain, but proper standing techniques can help.
*Lift smart - don't bend over from the waist to lift heavy objects. Instead bend at your knees and squat.

You can seek advice from your chiropractor not just for when you are in pain. Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to keep the spine in proper alignment, which can prevent, as well as treat, your injury.

Regular visits to your Spring Hill chiropractor can help to prevent back pain from occurring. If you do experience back pain, do not wait to visit your chiropractor. Pain is a sign that something is wrong and waiting to get treated can cause worsening of your condition.

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