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Is Back Pain Ruining Your Golf Game?
9/28 17:25:41

Low back pain represents one of the most common and costly diagnoses the health profession manages on a continuous basis. It is one of the most common reasons to visit a physician, physical therapist or chiropractor. The costs to evaluate and treat low back pain patients are estimated to be beyond $50 billion dollars a year in the United States.

The Lower Back Pain Body-Swing Connection
Here is a list for the most common swing faults that can cause lower back pain.

S-Posture: The golfer was told to stick their rear-end out and they do this by going into excessive hyperlordosis (arching of the lower back). This is called a S-Posture and it immediately inhibits the abs and glutes. Or they may have a lower crossed syndrome and the same inhibition occurs.

Reverse Spine Angle: The golfer's spine or trunk appears to tilt towards the target at the top of the backswing. The golfer uses their erector spine muscles (back muscles) to go into extension on the backswing, which will directly affect the rate and amount of excessive stress the lumbar spine will be subjected to on the downswing. This puts the golfer in a very stress-inducing position creating excessive compression and shear loads on the vertebrae through impact.

Early Extension: Early extension is a term given to a swing fault in which the lower body fails to rotate from the top of the backswing to follow-through. The hips/pelvis do not turn toward the target. The spine posture will extend, during which the head rises upward and the pelvis moves toward the initial ball position. The spine's muscles become overactive and force the spine into rapid extension. Signs of early extension include forward movement of the lower body toward the golf ball. In early extension, the golfer cannot see his lead glute (left side) or leg at impact.

Early Extension
Ideal Position

If the golfer was filmed from down the line (for a right-handed golfer, view from their right-side facing the target), you should be able to see their lead leg/glute (the golfer's left side) at the impact position and follow-through.



Poor Right Leg Follow-Through: The golfer does not release his trail side during the downswing and after impact. This creates unnecessary torque in the lower back. Also termed, hanging back, in which there is poor weight transfer from the top of the back swing through impact to the finish position.

Reverse "C" Finish: Finishing the swing in a full hyperextension position puts undue compressive and shear loads on the lumbar vertebrae (lower right facet joints).

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