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A Closer Look at Some Back Pain Causes
9/28 14:54:38

Back issues can be very annoying and may result from a variety of occurrences. Because of the grueling time we tend to spend doing things on our computers; we are more likely to be putting undo stress on our backs. Exercise is a good thing as long as it is done properly, or you could injure your back.

The cause of back pain is not always a mystery. If you lifted or moved anything heavy prior to your back injury, it is easy to identify what happened to you. You should definitely see your doctor if your back continues to hurt and the pain will not dissipate. When you go to the doctor, they will have you do certain tests that will determine why you are suffering. This may include X-rays or CT scans, which uses a series of X-rays taken at multiple angles. It is also possible that your doctor will order an MRI scan to specifically establish where the problem is originating.

If you suffer from lower back pain, you need to check out your mattress. If it doesn’t support your back correctly, you may be subject to back pain. This happens because your spine isn’t kept aligned when your mattress is old. If your mattress is no longer of good quality, you could be a victim of back pain. No one will benefit by using a poor-quality, worn-out mattress. Nevertheless, the “perfect mattress” won’t be the same for each person, either. One easy solution to getting rid of your back pain is to buy a new mattress. You can inadvertently cause back strain – leading to back pain – by sleeping with too many pillows under your head. This puts your neck out of line with your spinal column, straining your back. You need to keep your head aligned with your spine and, if you are sleeping with your head raised on a bunch of pillows, it is out of line with your back. The result can be back pain.

Painful fitting shoes can cause you to change your posture in a way that will inevitably cause you to suffer from back pain. For instance, women are apt to experience back issues more than most; due to the high heeled shoes that do not offer proper support. Wearing cowboy boots can cause the same type of discomfort. Shoes that don’t fit properly can also cause problems, not only for your feet but for your knees and back as well. Keeping your back comfortably straight while you are walking requires adequate footwear. One frequent cause of back pain is a spinal injury or fracture. Your bone density decreases with age and this condition is called osteoporosis. This is the main reason for spinal fractures. Women are more apt to suffer from osteoporosis than men; however, people of both sexes are vulnerable as they grow older. And, as you can well imagine, when bones are less dense they are weaker and, as a result, can break more easily. If you do suffer from an injury, your weakened bones may collapse. This tends to be extremely painful and can also lead to your spine becoming deformed. Your doctor may give you a prescription to relieve the pain, but this just treats the symptoms, not the root cause. At times, surgery may be necessary to keep the bones that have fractured in place. One method to strength your torso and help support your back is exercise. There are specific exercises for the abdomen and back that can help you. This should be coupled with a natural, healthy diet that can help prevent osteoporosis or rebuild your bone mass.

When you are going through back pain, your only thoughts are trying to figure out how to alleviate it. However, the better you understand what contributes to back problems, the easier it is to avoid them in the future. Sometimes a doctor will advise treatment. For many back problems, however, chiropractors, massage therapists and other alternative practitioners can also be very helpful for reducing back pain.

James Steele is a expert blogger known for writing on a varitey of subjects. His high-quality work can be seen at empowernetwork Description and on MonaVie Rationalization

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