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Lower Back Pain And Why It Occurs
9/28 14:54:04

The human lumbar spine is somewhat prone to strain. It features spongy formations filled with cartilage that are located in between each vertebrae. These are called discs, and they are responsible for a person’s range of motion. They also cushion the vertebrae from impact. The lower back pain NJ patients deal with can be the result of numerous conditions, the most common of which are issues concerning the aforementioned discs.

In addition, inflammation coming from numerous conditions may also be at the root of one’s problem. Pain such as this can be experienced by men and women of virtually any age. However, it is most commonly experienced by individuals who are between the ages of 30 and 60.

In numerous instances, the aforementioned problems are referred to as mechanical. This essentially means that the source of the problem is a sprain in a tendon, muscle or ligament. Such sprains almost always occur during some type of physical motion, for instance when one is making a repair to his or her home or participating in sporting event.

However, those who lead sedentary lifestyles can also develop this type of strain due to prolonged sitting and inactivity. This is because lack of exercise can cause one’s discs to become compressed and therefore create discomfort and soreness. The sensations felt may also be what is called referred pain, meaning it can be the result of a problem in another part of the body, but nerve impulses are causing it to be felt at the bottom of the spine.

Another common cause of the discomfort outlined above is sciatica. When compression occurs to the sciatic nerve, painful impulses and numbness can result, which may travel from the back down the length of one’s leg. The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disk, but degenerative disc disease may also be the culprit.

More serious causes include kidney stones, uterine prolapse, or the presence of a tumor. Although these are rare, they may need to be ruled out certain cases. If the lower back pain NJ residents experience becomes severe or does not dissipate on its own within a few days, medical advice should be sought.

We have a lot more helpful information about Conditions That Cause Lower Back Pain .

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