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3 Simple Moves To Alleviate Back Pain While At Your Computer
9/28 14:49:39

In today’s computer age, many individuals spend hours, often at least eight hours a day seated in front of the computer working. Sitting in the same position particularly if you are unaware that your posture is bad can cause undue strain on the lower back muscles causing discomfort.

This discomfort can last a long time and can in fact be quite painful. This is not something that only you suffer from, it has been estimated that at least 2.5 million Americans suffer from work related back pain. It is a common complaint in men over twenty and many women also suffer from back pain.

There are a number of methods to alleviate tight lower back pain; one method is with the use of three simple Pilates techniques practiced daily. Pilates is a method that emphasizes correct breathing techniques and the development of an awareness of the body.

Specifically designed Pilates exercise consist of core conditioning of the muscles to provide them with the functional strength to develop increased strength, stability and flexibility for normal daily activity, and encourages the maintenance of correct posture.

1. Take three big breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply, while keeping focused on your breathing, engage the transverse abdominals. These are the deepest layer of muscles in the abdominal wall. Learning this technique is fundamental to the Pilates technique. To check yourself, put your hands two inches bellow the belly button and pull in your abdominal muscles at the same time as breathing in and out. Training the abdominal muscles creates the core strength in the support of the spine.

2. While seated on the edge of your chair, place your feet firmly on the floor. Pull in your belly button as if you were drawing it back towards your spine, keep the knee bent, and pull the knee up towards the ceiling.

3. Again, seated in your chair, sit tall with your back pressed firmly into the chair and arms held down at your sides. Inhale deeply and as you begin to exhale, lower the neck and shoulders down, as though you were trying to reach your lap. Try to go down as low as possible and as soon as you reach the lowest position, inhale and think that you are re-stacking your spine as you raise your neck and shoulders back up; return to the seated position in your chair once again.

Learning deep breathing techniques is fundamental to Pilates exercise; it allows the muscles that are being worked to receive oxygen and also oxygenates the blood supply, allowing fresh blood to circulate in the body. There are many Pilates exercises that are taught with specific breathing instructions and the technique teaches us to use the entire lung capacity. This supply of oxygen relieves tension and helps in the battle against fatigue, particularly during a long day at work. Practiced daily, these Pilates exercises can alleviate back pain and lead to better back health, as well as an overall sense of well-being.

Sylvia Camarillo is the founder of My Pilates Studio in Irvine, Ca. We specialize in using our exclusive Innovative Pilates System to get sexy sleek healthy toned bodies.
Pilates Studio Instructors Orange County, Irvine Ca – My Pilates Studio

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