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Braces for Back Pain Relief
9/26 15:13:09

There are several kinds of spinal braces that can be used for different types of back ailments, including scoliosis, vertebrae compression fractures, and recovery from surgery.

Back pain comes in a variety of forms ranging from acute pain, which begins suddenly and heals within six weeks or less, to chronic back pain, which continues for more than three months.

Most back pain comes from simple injuries, such as twisting the wrong way, and the pain recedes over time. Chronic pain, however, is more stubborn to treat and can be a result of a more serious condition. It may sometimes require more elaborate treatment for back support, such as spinal bracing.

"There are two kinds of medical back braces," says Jason M. Highsmith, MD, a neurosurgeon at Charleston Brain and Spine in Charleston, S.C. and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Back Pain. One type of back brace is used to correct deformity by straightening curves in the spine; the other type of brace provides support to the muscles and bones of the spine to help them heal or reduce injury, he says.

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Back Braces for Scoliosis

Scoliosis, a curvature in the spine that forces the backbone to bend into an unnatural sideways S or C shape, is one common reason for back pain. It may have a hereditary component and most often occurs during the tween and early teen years, more often in girls than boys.

"Bracing can help realign the spine either by itself or as an adjunct to surgery," says Dr. Highsmith. "Stiff bars in the brace help apply external pressure that can straighten curves in the spine and mold it to the proper alignment." To correct scoliosis, braces are generally worn all the time including during sleep.

Back Braces After Injury or Surgery

Another type of back brace is commonly used after surgery or following certain compression fractures of the vertebrae. This brace is made of plastic and attaches to the back and abdomen with Velcro straps. It is worn when you're awake and not in bed.

"The purpose of the brace is to limit movement of the lumbar spinal canal, particularly following lumbar fusions," says Nancy E. Epstein, MD, chief of neurosurgical spine and education at Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola, N.Y., and clinical professor of neurological surgery at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, N.Y.

After any type of disc surgery, a brace may be worn for three to six months, depending on the type of surgery and how long it takes for fusion to occur. Wearing this type of back brace helps maintain the alignment of the spine while the disc space undergoes a degree of settling, explains Dr. Epstein. This may help limit the risk of another piece of disc popping out and helps you remember to avoid bending, lifting, and twisting.

Many doctors measure the healing progress of the spine using CT studies and dynamic X-rays before removing the brace. Also, it is removed slowly over time, tapering off over weeks or months.

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Do-It-Yourself Back Braces

Some types of back braces are what many doctors consider "over the counter" — they don't require a prescription from a therapist or physician. These fabric models have not been proven effective following surgical procedures, but they can be good for people who do heavy lifting, push heavy carts, or participate in a lot of repetitive motion activities.

"These braces provide external support that prevents excessive bending and twisting," says Highsmith. "They are especially useful since people who do heavy lifting can often overdo it and strain their muscles or sprain their ligaments. By restricting motion, you are reducing those chances."

Back braces come in a variety of forms, each designed to meet certain needs. However, if you experience back pain, see your doctor — self-treatment of back pain with an over-the-counter brace could worsen an injury or mask a more serious condition.

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