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Back Pain Can Hit You in the Wallet
9/26 15:12:45

A troubled back can have a big impact on your finances, according to a new study.

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 01, 2012 — Nearly everyone experiences back pain at some point in their lives. After the common cold, back troubles are the number-one reason why American adults call in sick to work, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, resulting in about 83 million lost work days each year. For some people, the discomfort is just too unbearable to continue working, but now a new Australian study finds that early retirement due to back problems can have financial repercussions for years to come.

The report, published in the January 2012 issue of Pain, was based on a microsimulation model designed to measure the economic effects of poor health on Australian workers ages 45 to 64. Researchers found that men ages 45 to 54 years who retired early due to back trouble would only be worth about $5000 (in Australian dollars) by age 65. By comparison, men in the same age group who worked full time until age 65 would be worth $339,121. Similarly, women aged 45 to 54 years who retired early due to back problems would have $20,064 at age 65, but their counterparts who waited until 65 to retire would have $237,496.

Leaving the work force earlier than expected isn't the only way back pain can drain your finances. A 2008 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated that Americans spend nearly $86 billion a year seeking relief for back and neck pain. And a 2010 study published in Spine found that after an episode of lower back pain, average monthly medical expenses not related to the back pain increased.

What can you do to keep back pain from interfering with your job? Although back troubles can strike anyone, some professions are at higher risk, says the American Pain Foundation, including nurses, construction workers, factory workers, police officers and firefighters, teachers, and office workers. If you're at a desk all day, proper ergonomics are a must: Make sure you have a comfortable, supportive chair, position computer equipment correctly, and take frequent breaks and move around.

Of course, the best way to deal with back pain is to prevent it from starting in the first place. Experts say the best ways are by exercising, watching your weight, quitting smoking, cutting back on stress, and maintaining good posture.

Has back pain affected your finances? Tell us about it in the comments.

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