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Holistic Practices for Back Pain Relief
9/23 11:03:59

In today’s fast paced life stress and low back pain are most common ailments. According to the National Institutes of Health, back pain is the second most common neurological disorder in the United States – only headache is more common. Keeping yourself fit and stress free through exercise is very important in the long term treatment and prevention of back pain.

There are a number of reasons for back pain; it can be because of spending hours sitting in front of computer, or sleeping in wrong posture, sudden bending or lifting heavy weight, almost anything can trigger a back pain. Inactivity and lack of exercise can also cause pain in the back. To help giving relief from back pain, you can strengthen your back muscles through exercise and manage stress also.

According to Dr. Sarno, a Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine, majority of back pain cases being treated by the medical community using “organic” approaches are actually stress related cases. Although it is generally accepted that emotional stress or psychological factors can make any stress and low back pain problem worse, the concept of “stress-related” back pain takes this idea one step further.

At times gentle massage can give temporary relief from back pain, but if pain persists it is best to consult a doctor at early stages itself before the back pain become severe.

However, medication and relief sprays could help you curtail the pain for a while, but that is not a long term solution as pain might reappear. The best way therefore is to opt in for natural back pain relief remedies like relaxation techniques and exercise that can helps to get relief from back pain.

This apart other holistic back care practices would include practicing yoga, Pilates and acupressure and are some of the best ways for natural back pain relief. Both yoga and mild free hand exercise helps in making the muscles, tissues and fibers nimbler. This helps in relaxing the tissues in the back and smoothens out the muscle knots.

Pilates is another great way to reduce back pain as it focuses on strengthening the core muscles that includes the back. It’s also a great way to work on your strength and flexibility that can help, to alleviate back pain. You should avoid any extreme twisting or bending movements as that can harm the spinal muscles.

These natural back pain relief techniques can be supported with the usage of the modern day back pain relief devices that effortlessly blend in to your daily exercise regime giving you greater control and comfort while holding a yoga posture. These back pain relief equipment employs the force of gravity to provide the spine with a gentle, supported stretch. These are quiet affordable and can be used for a few minutes to give sustained relief.

More About: back pain relief, National Institutes of Health

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