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How To Avoid Back Pain?
9/23 10:53:56

Latest statistics shows us, one man against every 3 men suffers from considerable back pain at minimum one point of whole life. One man against every 10 men suffers from major back pain that they have to go to doctor. Back pain slows our life. Long term stress, strain or pressure on our spine, muscle, bone or disc causes back pain.

People, who are bound to sit or stand at same place for the sake of their jobs, they often suffers from considerable back pain. In that case –
You can take a pause sometime. Move and stretch your body, hand, neck and relax.
You should give utmost importance to change your position until you fill comfortable.
Try not to be seated making an arc of spine.
Exercise and if possible take part in sports. That will make your body flexible and strong.

In our daily house hold work sometimes we have to do many works that serves back pain later. There are some tips –

When you have to stand one place for long time shift your body weight to one leg to another. Shift it at every 10 minutes.
Stretch your body and back. Stretch your hands.
When you are vacuuming don’t stand by making arc on spine, rather stand proudly. Stand like your chest and head makes a straight line.
Make your home well lighted and well ventilated. So, that you won’t need to lean forward to when reading any books or newspaper.

Sometimes, back pain occurs because of wrong procedure of heavy lifting. This type of back pain hurts most. In that case –
First, think about the object. Plan on how to move it.
If there is a chance that this heavy object might not need to lift manually, always go for that.
When you must have to lift a heavier object, grab it tightly. Position it in front of your chest. Sometime you can it support by bending your knee.
Try to hold things in both hands.
Avoid making arc by spine when lifting. Try to stand straight.
Always take rest. Feel no rush. It is about your health.

Anyone can also be caught by back pain from bad movement in exercise. This usually happens when someone tries to do difficult exercises without guidance. Beware about spinal exercise. Always take proper guidance from experienced and trained person.

Some of us live in high floors and don’t have elevators. Crossing stirs in uncomfortable posture can also cause back pain. When you are crossing stirs don’t rush. Take rest if needed. And always stand proudly, don’t make arc or lean forward. Overweight is also a cause of back pain. Spine and knee have extra load all the time. That can cause chronic back pain. It is better to keep control over body weight.

Health is wealth. You may earn a very good amount of money from your job or business. May be hundreds of people work under you, but if you have a health problem, can I enjoy life? If you lose money, it will come back but if you lose health, will it come back like before?

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