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Treat Your Ankle Sprain To Remaining Active This Year
9/22 11:42:18

No matter how you injured your ankle you may be experiencing serious pain and unsure whether you sprained your ankle or fractured your foot. There are ways to determine if your foot is sprained or fractured which will help save you a trip to the emergency room. Follow some simple measures and you can be on your way to a speedy recovery.

Is it an Ankle Sprain?

To check if your ankle is sprained, it is important to recognize the difference between "reactionary pain" and "constant pain." Ankle sprains most often involve reactionary pain, which means pain is felt when pressure is placed on the injury. An ankle sprain is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle, usually on the outside. Ligaments are bands of tissue that connect one bone to another and bind the joints together. In the ankle, ligaments provide stability by limiting side-to-side movement.

Sprained ankles are often the result of a fall, a sudden twist, or a blow that forces the ankle joint out of its normal position. They commonly occur while participating in sports, wearing inappropriate shoes, or walking or running on an uneven surface. Additionally, ankle sprains can occur if a person is born with weak ankles. Just as previous ankle or foot injuries can also weaken the ankle and lead to sprains. Symptoms of ankle sprains often include pain or soreness, swelling, bruising, difficulty walking, or stiffness in the joint.

Is my Foot Fractured?

A fracture is a partial or complete break in a bone and can range from less serious avulsion injuries to severe shattering-type breaks of the tibia, fibula or both. Similar to ankle sprains, they are common injuries that are most often caused by the ankle rolling inward or outward. Often, many people mistake an ankle fracture for an ankle sprain, but they are very different and require accurate, early diagnosis. One or all of the following symptoms accompanies an ankle fracture:

*Pain at the site of the fracture
*Blisters may occur over the fracture site
*Inability to walk
*Change in the appearance of the ankle
*Bone protruding through the skin

In-House X-Rays and Ultrasound for Diagnosis and Proper Treatment

Following your ankle injury it is important to have your ankle evaluated by your podiatrist in White Plains, NY for proper diagnosis and treatment. Your podiatrist will examine your ankle by touching specific areas to evaluate the injury. In addition, your podiatrist may order x-rays or an ultrasound to take a closer look at your injury. After proper diagnosis, your podiatrist may recommend non-surgical treatment using RICE:


Additional treatment options include immobilization and prescription medications. For some ankle injuries, surgery may be needed to repair the fracture and other soft tissue related injuries if present.

Contact your podiatrist in White Plains, NY today if you have injured your ankle. Your White Plains podiatrist will examine and diagnose your injury for proper treatment.

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