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Home Remedies And Natural Treatment For Bone Fractures
9/22 11:39:08

The most important influences on fracture healing are nutrition and overall health, including bone health before the injury, says orthopedist Martin Yahiro, MD, advisor to the FDA. "It is therefore important that all his life to do weight-bearing exercise such as walking and getting enough calcium and vitamin D, so set the bones as much as possible during growth and to keep as much as possible in the future."

The healing time of broken bones is influenced by a number of variables that can affect nutrition and blood supply. For example, the ends of long bones to heal vascular faster than the center. Certain types of food and increased exercise to promote blood supply and therefore the time it takes to heal. Mobilization, ie weight-bearing exercises and isometric exercises stimulates healing.

Causes of Bone Fractures

1. falls

2. traffic accidents that cause the worst kind of fracture

3. direct blow to the bones

4. sports injuries

5. traumatic and forceful movements

6. The tumors in the bone

7. osteoporosis

8. overuse

Symptoms of Bone Fractures

1. A member visibly out of place or deformed or joint

2. Swelling, bruising or bleeding

3. Severe pain

4. Numbness and tingling

5. Broken skin with bone protruding

6. Limited mobility or inability to move a limb

Treatment for Bone Fractures

1.Casting - After the broken bones have been manipulated back intothe proper position, a mold of plaster or fiberglass is applied to move keepthe bones while they heal.

2. External fixation - Pinsor cable attaches to the bone through the skin above and below thefracture. These are connected to a ring or a bar outside the skin thatholds the pins in place. After the bones have healed, the pins are removed.

3. Internal fixation - In a surgical procedure, metalrods, wires or screws are inserted into the bone fragments to keep them together.

Home Remedies for Broken Bones

1.Pineapple: Up the broken bone has healed, eating fresh pineapple every day. The fruit contains bromelain - an enzyme known to reduce swelling and inflammation. Avoid canned or processed pineapple, do not provide the same effect.

2.Calcium: Calcium helps build strong bones. Decent sources found in beans and green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and mustard greens. These types of foods also contain magnesium, which is known as a supplement to bone healing.

3.Avoid caffeineAvoid drinking or eating products containing caffeine, like colas, which have an effect on calcium absorption, which is necessary to repair the bones.

4.Zinc: Increase your zinc intake (through diet or supplements) to promote the repair of tissue damage associated with a broken bone. Foods rich in zinc include beef, lamb, pork, turkey, chicken, seafood, lobster, oysters, clams and salmon.

5.Vitamin Supplements: Vitamin supplements, such as boron, aid in the healing of bones. Other selections that favors an increase in healing include magnesium and potassium. Another way to increase intake of vitamins bone healing, is to choose foods that contain the above suggestions.

6.Avoid smoking: The chemicals found in cigarette works against the healing process of broken bones - even up to five months for severe breaks. This is because the amount of oxygen that reaches the bone tissue is reduced when the body comes into contact with the snuff products.

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