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Non-surgical Treatments for Spondylosis
9/29 12:01:11

The majority of spondylosis patients respond well to nonsurgical forms of treatment, such as:

Medication: Your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), analgesics (pain killers), and/or muscle relaxants.

Physical therapy: If needed, your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist. Physical therapy includes passive treatments such as cold or heat, deep tissue massage, and electrical stimulation. These treatments help prepare you for therapeutic exercise?the active part of physical therapy. In addition, you learn how to correct your posture, incorporate ergonomic principles in daily activities, and become flexible and strong.

Chiropractic care: Many patients are helped by chiropractic adjustments, that can help align the spine and reduce pain.

If you have severe spondylosis, these treatments may be added to your recovery plan:

Bed rest: Your doctor may recommend rest or restricted activity. You may need bed rest for a few days during a pain flare up?but you won?t be in bed for more than a few days. Extended bed rest is no longer recommended for back pain.

Traction: This will immobilize the spine, providing temporary relief. Gentle traction can help to relieve pressure on tender spinal nerves.

Spinal injections: By combining anesthetic and corticosteroid medications in an injection, this will help reduce nerve inflammation and pain.

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