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Kyphosis Surgery
9/29 9:27:23

Kyphosis Surgery
Spine specialists consider kyphosis curves normal up to 45-50 degrees. Beyond this range, the curve is considered excessive and may require treatment. Curves, more than 70 degrees that are painful and / or progressive, may require surgery.
Kyphosis may be treated surgically from a posterior approach or a combined anterior-posterior (front-back) approach for larger stiff curves. The anterior part of the surgery is often done using VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopy). Osteotomies are often needed.

The goal of surgery is to restore normal kyphosis (20-50 degrees), balance the spine and eliminate or improve pain. Cosmetically, the effects from this surgery are extremely gratifying to the patient.

Anterior-Posterior Kyphosis Surgery (below): 16-year-old female with a 94 degree kyphosis treated with thoracoscopic anterior fusion followed by posterior fusion with rods.



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