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Plant Medicine for Arthritis Reduces Pain and Regenerates Skin
9/22 17:45:58
Arthritis is a chronic disease. A chronic disease is with you always and in most instances cannot be cured. But chronic diseases can usually be managed so that you are able to live your life well despite it. Arthritis is not a simple disease. You cannot take a pill and make it go away. Arthritis can be different for every person who has it. You will look and feel well most of the time. The people you live with and work with may have trouble understanding that you have a disease. Many people do not understand that some diseases are quiet and then can lare up for awhile.
The word 'arthritis' comes from the Greek words: 'arth' and 'itis'. 'Arth' means joint and 'itis' means inlammation. Arthritis can be caused by inlammation, injury or infection. Inlammation can cause swelling, pain and stiffness. Sometimes an inlamed joint can feel hot or look red. There are many kinds of arthritis with many different causes. They are listed below.
Rheumatoid arthritis is also known as RA. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inlammation in many joints. The most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints. These symptoms can come and go. When the symptoms come back it is called a lare. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than men. It usually begins in the young or middle adult years.
Psoriatic arthritis is arthritis with psoriasis. Psoriasis causes scaly dry patches to form on the skin and the arthritis causes pain and swelling in many joints. These symptoms come and go. When the symptoms come back it is called a lare. Psoriatic arthritis affects men and women. It usually begins between the age of thirty and fifty. About ten percent of people who have psoriasis will get psoriatic arthritis.
Juvenile arthritis (JA) is any kind of arthritis that begins before age sixteen. There are many forms of childhood arthritis. Often, the childhood forms are a little different from the adult forms. Juvenile arthritis affects about one thousand children and young people under the age of sixteen.
Osteoarthritis is also known as OA, degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. OA causes cartilage to break down. It is the most common kind of arthritis. It can be caused by aging, injury, being overweight, overusing a joint or having a poorly formed joint from birth. The most common symptoms of OA are stiffness and pain. These symptoms most often are in the hips, knees, back, neck and inger joints. Osteoarthritis is more common in women than men.
This type of disease changes over time and with life events. You can take better care when you note and act on changes. Illness can be hard on our minds and our emotions. Managing a disease is hard work and we need to be sure that we have the support we need. You will feel better if you are active and eat healthy foods. These help you build the strength and energy your body needs to deal with arthritis. A doctor is the best source of information. You may want to talk with a doctor who is an arthritis expert. A rheumatologist is a doctor who treats people with arthritis.
Pain is one of the most common symptoms of arthritis. How much pain you have may be different from someone else with arthritis. Your pain may change from time to time. Discuss how you can manage your pain with your doctor, who can recommend medicine to help with it. The good news is that you can get help to treat and to manage your arthritis. There are many types of treatments. Medicine is just one of them. Your doctor may have to try a few medicines before inding the one that works best for you.
When treating sensitive skin make sure to use treatments made from medicinal plant extracts. They are free from toxic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Traditional medication can help by reducing inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints; however, some of them have great side effects. Plant medicine is valued for its incomparable pain reduction properties. It shows potent inhibition against lymphocyte proliferation, further easing joint pain. The regenerative effect is unique and valuable to those suffering from arthritis. To learn more, please go to

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