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Have Your Buddy Got A Dog Arthritis? Check and Cure Here
9/22 17:45:49
Dog Arthritis is a disease happens due to inflammation of the joints. It occurs when the protective cartilage (lubrication -synovial fluid) of the joints breaks down. Ever since the era of dinosaurs, Arthritis has been affecting most of the living entities on earth. It has covered over 30 % of US population. And yes, your dog can have arthritis, too. If you observe that over last few evenings, your dog doesn't greet you in excitement when you come home, he might be suffering from Dog Arthritis. Dog arthritis natural medicine is amongst most frequent demands veterinarians have to deal these days.

What Causes Dog Arthritis?

Some common causes of arthritis include poor nutrition, obesity, trauma to the bones or joints, torn ligaments or tendons or malformation of the dog's bone structure. There are a number of different areas in the body that can be affected. Some of these include: Hips, Kneecaps, Shoulders, Wrists, and Elbows.
In order to perform proper arthritis treatment for dogs, we have to identify the disease from the symptoms we see in our silent pet.


* Physical Signs: Difficulty sitting or standing, Hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs, Seeming to have stiff or sore joints, Weight Gain / Loss

* Behavioral Signs: Favoring a limb, Sleeping often, Mood Swinging, Decreased activity or less interest in play, Being less alert
Also, Arthritis pain may cause illness in your dog. This may lead to loss of appetite and fever. Another sign your dog may have arthritis is licking. Your dog may lick the sore area in attempt to ease the pain. If you touch the suspected area, it may feel warm and appear swollen from inflammation of the joint.

Preventive Steps

We can follow steps described below to prevent going through arthritis treatment for dogs. These prevention works as dog arthritis natural remedy.

Exercise: Exercise helps maintain him strong muscles and flexible joints. It is most common arthritis treatment for dogs. Regular walks are the best form of exercise as sometimes excess amount may cause or increases the inflammation.

Diet: Feed him a diet full of the right nutrients and vitamins. Avoid feeding your dog fatty human foods, as excess weight can stress the bones and joints. A balanced diet is a dog arthritis natural medicine.

Visit to Veterinarian: Analyze the health history of you pet and make sure that his previous injuries have been healed completely. Schedule the regular visits to your veterinarian for periodic health checks. Coordinate your dog's medication schedule well. Never let your dog takes your medicine without discussing it with your doctor.

Additional Supplements: Adding supplements such as glucosamine and vitamin C will help to keep your dog's joint lubricated and strong. Supplements are not veterinarian prescribed and can benefit your dog in more ways than helping in dog arthritis pain relief.

Cure / Therapy

Tests: If you suspect your dog may have arthritis, take him to the veterinarian for perform
X-rays and blood tests to confirm the condition. Once arthritis has been determined, your veterinarian will help you decide on the best treatment and therapy options for your dog.

Heat: Applying a warm compress to your dog's joints will help ease pain. Keeping your dog warm and comfortable during cold, rainy days is very important when dealing with arthritis. Be careful when using hot water bottles or heating pads, as they may become too hot for your dog and may burn him. Heat serves as a dog arthritis natural medicine.

Facilitate Him: Adding an extra pillow or cushion to your dog's bed will be extremely beneficial compared to a hard floor. The extra comfort will help ease tension and stiffness in the arthritic joints. Consider a ramp for his easiness in going up and down by stairs or in your car or truck. Keep your floors slip-free to avid his struggling and slipping while trying to get up off the floor.

Physiotherapy / Exercise: It should be regular, but not excessive and not too strenuous. Too much exercise may further damage the inflamed joints. Walking or light jogging as well as swimming can be considered. Swimming is a very common form of therapy for physical rehabilitation. Schedule an action plan for dog arthritis pain relief.

Weight control / Diet Change: Talk to your veterinarian about a special diet plan to help control weight gain and reduce excess fat tissues. These tissues secrete hormones that may cause pain. A suitable diet always serves as a dog arthritis natural remedy.

Acupuncture or massage therapy: Both these therapies will help to ease the pain in the muscles and joints when supported by regular exercise and diet. You can try giving him massages at home well by learning arthritis treatment for dogs.

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