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Are You One of the 40 Million Suffering from Arthritis?
9/22 17:42:18
Copyright (c) 2013 Get Back to Nature

Do you feel pain, stiffness, swelling, redness or limited function in your joints? You are not alone. In a recent study there are over 350 million people in the world suffering from arthritis. There are 40 million in the United States alone including 250,000 children that suffer from this disease which some studies have connected with toxicity in the air we breath, the food we eat and the water we drink. 1.3 million people in the United States (60% are women), suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, which is an incurable chronic disease.

So what cause an arthritis flare up? Inflammation. It is a normal reaction of the immune system, which the immune cells release chemicals into the tissue in an attempt to rid the body of harmful substances such as bacteria or viruses. Yet, for arthritis, the immune system triggers inflammation. And instead of attempting to rid the body of the bacteria or viruses, the immune cells invade healthy joints. Once the inflammation begins for most people with arthritis, it can not turn off by itself. Over time, inflammation can lead to joint damage by slowly weakening and eroding the cartilage and bone at the joints. Over time, joint damage which may lead to deformity and potential loss and function of the joints cannot be reversed.

Arthritis can be hereditary, some people get it through infections or even injuries. And since there is over 100 different types of arthritis, the causes for the flares up varies as well as the treatment for the type of arthritis.

Physical therapy, splintering, cold pack applications, anti-inflammatory drugs (Icy -Hot to Ben Gay) and pain medications ranging from acetaminophen (Tylenol) to narcotics are just some of the ways to help deal with the uncontrollable flare ups. But what if there was a more natural way of dealing with inflammation than to have the insecurities from said "medications"? There are essential oils that help relieve the inflammation in the joints, bones, and muscles. And have the ability to enter the membrane of the cell and relieve the inflammation. Such oils are:

Wintergreen which is 99% methyl salicylate gives cortisone- like properties to relieve pain from arthritis, rheumatism, tendinitis, and any other discomfort that is related to the inflammation of bones, muscles and joints.

Camphor for relieving pain from arthritis, muscles aches and pains, as well as sprains and bruises.

Peppermint which is naturally anti-inflammatory to damaged tissue.

Blue Tansy also naturally anti-inflammatory and helps with low blood pressure.

Helichrysum to improve circulatory functions and is anticatarrhal in structure and nature. It helps reduce inflammation in the meninges of the brain.

Osmanthus which is 1 of the 10 famous traditional flowers of China. The blossoms are highly aromatic and are used in the world's most expensive perfumes. Is used in Chinese medicine to reduce phlegm and remove blood statis.

And since the National financial impact of arthritis is estimated at $50 billion dollars annually. Which includes, doctor visits, hospitalization, medicine, physical therapies, nursing home care, the question is how much are you paying for treatment when essential oils are a fraction of the cost?

So, how are you going to deal with your arthritis flare ups?

Although there is no way of reversing the effects of damaged joints and bones, essential oils can help rebuild the cells and inhibit inflammation if used daily. Don't let arthritis stop you, get back to nature, and get on with your life.

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