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Treating the Pains of Arthritis
9/22 17:41:36
One of the most painful medical conditions, Arthritis is caused by the inflammation of joints from damage, infection, fatigue, aging, and the deterioration of the cartilage. Considered one of the incurable diseases existing today, a treatment for arthritis aims to lessen the pain and protect the bones from breaking down. Different kinds of treatments are currently available from simple home remedies to complicated procedures. Here are some treatments for arthritis:

Home Treatment

Light arthritic pain can be eased using different remedies from home. For common arthritis without other symptoms, people can just have enough rest, use hot and cold compress, and take special herbs that can be found inside the house or at the backyard. Applying fish oils to the painful areas is also believed to ease the pain. Hot wax known as parafins is also recommended for home remedies for arthritis. Lastly, the power of nature is undoubtedly one of the most effective medicines of all time. Herbs and botanical remedies such as boswellia, thunder god vine, cherries, dessert devil, dandelion leaves, ginger, eucalyptus oil, celery, alfalfa, aloe vera, and black cohosh are believed to ease the pain caused by swelling joints.

Medical Treatment

If pain persists and additional symptoms come out, people suffering from arthritis should ask help from their doctors for proper diagnosis and medical attention. Medicines such as aspirin, methotrexate, toquinine, sulfasalazine glucocorticoids, chloroquine, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine, minocycline, azathioprine, leflunomide, cyclosporine, cortisone, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other drugs are designed in order to lessen the pain and prevent further complications.

Physical Therapy

Another form of therapy for arthritis is physical therapy. Through the help of skilled physical therapists, people suffering from arthritis can be helped through special exercise programs, physical activities which focus on the development of muscles and bones, special diets, and other physical activities that help boost muscular strength and performance. Physical therapies make use of pressure, massages, and touch in order to ease the pain. Other related therapies include acupuncture, osteopathy, and hydrotherapy.

Occupational Therapy

This kind of treatment makes use of specially tailored activities and tools so that people suffering from arthritis can adapt to their home and jobs, despite the excruciating pain. Occupational therapists make use of walkers, stair lifts, customized housing designs, and customized workplaces for the comfort of patients.


Since arthritis mostly affects the way people walk, Podiatry is a treatment for arthritis which make use of the anatomy and mechanical systems of the feet. Podiatrists examine the foot through x-rays, ultrasounds, and other medical check-ups. In order to correct or improve the way people walk, podiatrists design special shoes to make them walk easier and more comfortable. In some cases, minor operations and surgery on nails are performed.


The most complicated treatment for arthritis, surgery is performed in severe cases such as badly damaged bones, joints and cartilages, trapped nerves, damaged tendons, and other cases. Replacing damaged parts with artificial ones is the main purpose of surgeries. In some cases, replacement of hips, ankles, shoulders, fingers, wrists, and elbows are performed. Other surgical treatments include arthroplasty, osteotomy, arthrodesis, synovectomy, resection, and other procedures.

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