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Alternative Arthritis Medicine: Do They Really Work?
9/22 17:41:24
It's quite feasible for a normal person to live well and still work at a regular job with arthritis. Arthritis is deemed to be an inherited disorder with no known permanent cure for it yet. Still, many people manage to cope with this disease for generations. Arthritis is a very broad term which covers a number of pathologies of the natural immune system. However they all have one thing in common, and that is pain in the joints. Sometimes arthritis may take awhile to diagnose and as a result the person may suffer for a long period of time.

Pain management is critical for anyone suffering from arthritis. Although while some people may suffer from progressive deformities of joints, distress from inflammation and internal injury, is the most common. Pain in itself, is a subjective matter. Mental distress seems to aggravate many kind of arthritis. A sufferer of this disease may experience vicious cycles between mental tension and painful joints. Alternative arthritis medicine can address both of these two aspects; by promoting mental wellness and reducing local inflammation. This alternative medicine can be used in conjunction with modern Western drugs, provided the doctor has a good and complete understanding about all forms of treatment.

Alternative Arthritis Medicine Comes in Many Forms

Perhaps the most popular form of alternative arthritis medicine comes in the form of balms and lotions made from herbal extracts. These herbs act as a counter-irritants, and as well will help drain the excess fluid from a swollen joints. These products for topical applications are usually made from a combination of active ingredients and can be used fairly safely several times a day. The effects can be even more lasting if some of these ingredients are consumed in the form of tablets, syrup or globules. These types of medicines can also address aspects of mental wellness, thus helping patient's cope with the stresses with which arthritis can be associated.

One may want to consider taking yoga too. Yoga is great because there are no high impact movements involved, as well there are many postures and movements that will help keep the joints supple and flexible; not to mention the mental calmness yoga can bring. Most experienced yoga instructors will tell you to listen to your body. They will tell you to never push yourself to the point of pain. As we all get older, our joints tend to stiffen up even more. Hence yoga would be a great idea for anyone. Acupuncture can also be a highly effective way of managing acute pain. Acupuncture, when used in conjunction with other physical methods along with herbal extracts may bring you the best results when dealing with arthritis.

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