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Pain Relief For Osteoarthritis
9/22 16:30:52

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common chronic health issues in the world. When it comes to work disability, only heart disease takes more people out of work. People with osteoarthritis are often unable to work because the pain in the affected joints limits their ability to move, think, and function properly. Even simple tasks like picking up files or walking up stairs to a conference room become difficult.

Those who suffer from osteoarthritis want pain relief more than anything else. It's the pain that prevents them from functioning on a normal level and it's the pain that prevents them from enjoying their lives. In advanced cases of osteoarthritis, the muscles surrounding the affected joint often atrophy and become weak. In addition, bony growths called osteophytes can spring up, causing the joints to swell even more.

The Power of Mother Nature

Whether you have osteoarthritis or not, it's important to know the various forms of pain relief for osteoarthritis. While you can take measures to prevent the onset of this degenerative joint disease, many of you will develop osteoarthritis regardless of what you do. Pain relief will be the number one issue for those of you who develop osteoarthritis.

There are a number of different topical ointments and creams that offer pain relief for osteoarthritis. Many of these ointments, creams, and rubs work but they contain synthetic ingredients that might not react well with your body. Topical treatments that contain emu oil have received much acclaim in recent years for reducing pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis. In fact, emu oil might very well be a powerful treatment for osteoarthritis in general because of its natural healing properties.

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