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Arthritis Symptoms And Diet And Exercise To Get Relief From Arthritis Pain
9/22 12:06:49

Arthritis is a term that includes a group of disorders affecting the joints and muscles. Symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, swelling and limitation of joint mobility. When a joint is inflamed can be swollen, painful, warm to the touch or red.

Surrounding each joint is a protective capsule holding a lubricating fluid to aid in the movement. Cartilage, a slippery smooth substance, covers most joints to ensure a smooth motion, the joint fluid. With joint arthritis, the cartilage can be damaged, dropped and lost by a degenerative process or by inflammation making movement painful.


Causes of Arthritis

1. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect people of all ages.

2. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by periods of disease outbreaks and remissions.

Symptoms of Arthritis

1. Joint inflammation, swelling, pain and loss of function. Usually, if the left knee is affected, the right knee is also affected, although to varying degrees.

2. Sometimes associated with fever.

3. Usually, reappears in the cold exposure.

Treatment for Arthritis

1. A cornerstone of therapy for any form of arthritis is physical therapy and occupational therapy to maintain joint mobility and range of motion. The type and the appropriate amount of this therapy may vary depending on the underlying cause and individual factors that your doctor will discuss with you.

2. Many drugs currently used to treat inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin and others), naproxen (Naprosyn and others) and dicolfenac (Voltaren), have immediate analgesic effects and anti-inflammatory and are relatively safe.

3. Second-line drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis include hydroxychloroquine, gold, penicillamine, azathioprine, sulfasalazine and methotrexate. These agents (which have no immediate analgesic effect) can control symptoms and may possibly delay the progression of the disease, but many of them can also cause serious side effects and decrease in effectiveness over time. NSAIDs are taken simultaneously with the action slower second-line drugs, which can take months to produce a therapeutic response.

4. The high-dose aspirin is as effective as any other NSAID and much less expensive, but some patients can not tolerate the gastrointestinal toxicity. Aspirin interferes with platelet function and may rarely cause serious bleeding, this effect can last from four to seven days after the drug has been discontinued.

Home Remedies for Arthritis

1. As described above love and vata are the main causes, so efforts should be made to digest loves and to reduce vata. Digestion should be improved so that there is no love more. Efforts should be made to relieve pain and inflammation. This is the line of treatment according to Ayurveda.

2. Fasting is very beneficial for the digestion of the AMA. Fasting is a complete or partial depending on the strength of the person, season and location. Two teaspoons of lemon juice mixed in 250 ml. warm water and a teaspoon of honey is good to take twice daily, morning and evening.

3. Body massage with sesame oil or mustard oil helps to reduce the vata and thus reduce pain. Joints affected by pain can be massaged for longer.

4. Light exercise is useful, but you must know its limits: a rule if any exercise such as walking, causes pain after an hour, they have crossed the limit.

5. Liberal intake of orange juice or fresh lime juice or vitamin C increases the effectiveness of any anti-rheumatic drug, since vitamin C can reduce bone pain.

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