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Breakthrough! The Amazing Results Of Treating Arthritis Pain With Magnetic Therapy
9/22 12:02:42

Arthritis is a common condition that affects over 20 million Americans. One of the main symptoms is the pain and discomfort associated with inflammation around the joints. With there being no 'cure', many sufferers are left with the prospect of spending a lifetime on medication. No wonder that many look to alternative ways of seeking relief from this condition. One of the more unconventional ways is by treating arthritis pain with magnetic therapy. This is a method that has been gaining in popularity recently both in the USA and around the world. Here we take a closer look at this therapy.

What is magnet therapy? Magnet therapy is the positioning of strong magnets around the body in the belief that they will induce a therapeutic effect on the patient. These magnets are strong 'medical' magnets that are much stronger than the fridge magnets that you have at home.

What are the advantages? You can try out magnetic therapy for a one-off cost, and there are no known side effects. This makes it an attractive way of helping the symptoms of a chronic condition like arthritis.

How are they used? The magnets are often worn on the body in the form of inconspicuous jewelry such as bracelets or necklaces. The recommendation is to wear them close to the site of pain. The magnets are also available in blankets so that they can cover a larger area of the body while you are sleeping.

How do they work? Nobody really knows how they exert their effect and there is little medical evidence to back up their claims. Some distributors have said that they work by improving the blood flow to the affected area. This in turn brings more oxygen, nutrients and endorphins, which then work to reduce inflammation and pain.

Does it Work? There are thousands of people around the world who claim that they have less arthritis pain with magnetic therapy. Distributors of these products even claim to have had success with animals. This is interesting because it means that patients are not just responding to a placebo effect. But at the moment there is a lack of medical evidence to back up these claims.

What conditions are treated? - the most common conditions that magnetic therapy has success with are painful conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people claim to have had good success with other conditions such as headaches/migraines and also as an aid in overcoming sleeplessness/insomnia.

Are there any side effects? One of the biggest benefits of using magnet therapy is that there are no known side effects. This will come as a relief to many arthritis sufferers who have to endure the unpleasant side effects of other treatments.

So is it worth treating arthritis pain with magnetic therapy? Only you can decide on that after researching this area. But many sufferers have reported that their condition has been helped. If you want to try it out there are numerous Internet-based companies that will supply magnetic therapy products.

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